TWLT Blog Posts

Stress Less - Live More

Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Relieving Stress and Anxiety

In this blog, we will explore how RTT can help you relieve stress and anxiety by unlocking the potential of your subconscious mind.Live a great life as you should. Tal

Take back your Power and rise. Become who you know deep down you are meant to be.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

"Procrastination, Schmocrastination

We put off our exercise routine until tomorrow; we continually delay finishing that project or starting that business But the reality is that we end up missing out on so many opportunities and feeling anxious and stressed out by last-minute deadlines and promises

Fear not, my friends! I've got some super fun and effective ways to break the procrastination habit and become a productivity machine!

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

11 Tips To Improve Self - Confidence

Find out how we can help you get your confidence back, putting you on the road to ultimate success. A free 30 minute consultation could open your eyes to exactly what you need to get clear and unstuck. Believe in yourself that you can achieve all your dream. We can help.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

6 Questions To Ask Yourself When Pursuing Your Dreams

 Pursuing your dreams can be both exciting and challenging. It requires determination, hard work, and a willingness to take risks. However, before embarking on your dream pursuit, it's important to ask yourself some questions to ensure that you're on the right track. In this blog post, we'll explore six questions to ask yourself when pursuing your dreams.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Goal Setting - 7 Reasons they are important.

Sometimes people are not sure how to achieve their goals because they feel blocked by something they can't seem to put their finger on. This block is usually a deep limiting subconscious mind belief. When this belief is not shifted, a person can spend their lives going around in circles, not making any progress. 

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Can I Fix the Anxiety I feel?

If you’re suffering from anxiety, it can seem like it will never get better, and you’ll never get back to feeling like yourself again. If you want to learn more about Rapid Transformational Therapy and how our fully trained RTT Therapists and Clinical Hypnotherapists can help you overcome your anxiety, we’re ready and waiting to talk to you.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle


Life will take us around as many times to the same place to experience the same thing until we evolve to the better version of ourselves. Nothing will change if we don’t.


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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Life of a New Year 🎊

Forget new year's resolutions, they are a waste of time. You are and will do whatever your subconscious programming is set to do. So instead of setting yourself up to fail, preset your win instead, change the program...

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Crappy Thinking

Thoughts are neutral. They only become problematic when we apply our mental faculties, and drama around it. When you have a scary thought, it is going to make you feel scared but once you change the focus to something more appealing and growth worthy, the fear disappears.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle


I could go on but I hope you get how amazing your mind is at trying to keep you safe. However, though those safety measures kept you safe in the past, they do not serve you now. You are basically allowing a record of your 4 year old mind to drive your life. Crazy right?

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Facing Fears

If you're ready to change your life and no longer want to be held back by the things you're afraid of, Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT) is here to help.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Breathe to Thrive

When we don’t breathe properly, the frequency of our energy centres diminish. When we turn on the stress response, (the same response causing anxiety) we drain these centres of vital energy we need to thrive. This is why dysfunctions in the immune system, the gut and the heart are so closely linked to anxiety.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Anxiety and How to Release It

For those who suffer from sever anxiety, it can be all-encompassing and incredibly debilitating.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

How The Thoughts and Pictures in Your Mind Determine Your Life

Have you heard the phrase 'Thoughts become Things'? This phrase embodies the idea that the thoughts you have and the pictures your brain creates based on these thoughts influence how you behave and act and, therefore, what happens in your life.

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Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Thashna Walsh Lifestyle

Why is it Difficult to Change?

Whether you want to change your mind, home, career, health, headspace, appearance, or something different, I’m here to help you get past the blocks and change your life the way you want.

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Super Minds, Beautiful Lives

What is that trigger, that belief, that program that is holding you hostage inside yourself, holding you back? Are you spending too much of your life trying to control parameters that we have no control over, wasting energy, resources and most importantly, precious time? let TWLT help.

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Open Hearts and Sweet Vibes

Get back to your breath and revel in the growing and glowing field of energy emanating from your heart and buzzing around your body. feel the gratitude of all is well, all your needs are met, you are free, you are at peace.

Take 7 minutes to listen to this mindful meditation by TWLT now.

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Adjustment Between the Ears

When we don't see eye to eye with someone, it's not a problem. There is only a problem if your perception makes it so. If you see a problem in the other person, then know that they are only showing you who you wish you were or were not. Take back control of your mind with TWLT.

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