Life of a New Year 🎊

What a gift, LIFE, however you are living it. You are doing great right where you are. No one can do your life like you can. Give yourself credit for doing you the best you can.

Did you have an easy year this year or a challenging one? That's awesome! Easy and relaxed are the rewards that overcoming the challenges bring.

Challenges, sharpen you, strengthen you and create wisdom and vision. Without challenges, there is nothing of great significance to gain or to aim for. Embrace your challenges one at a time, they are your best ally for growing change.

With another year coming to it's end, ask yourself, did I grow? Did I achieve a better version of myself? What did I contribute? What are the things that I am most grateful for? What will I leave behind in 2022 and what will I take into the new year?

Consider your answers and determine how you want to proceed into another chapter of your life.

The new year could mean a continuation of all things the same or it may mean changes. You get to decide or a decision will be made for you, which is still your decision. Whatever you decide is good enough if your choices make you  settled and calm inside yourself.

If you are not settled and calm, ask for help. We are all on the same journey and some have been through where you are now. Lighten your load and reach out with an email, private message, letter, text, a whisper, a shout. Give yourself the gift of allowing someone to bless you with their help. Love yourself enough to do this.

Remove words such as, I CAN’T, I DON’T KNOW, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE, I’M TRYING, I’LL TRY, I’VE TRIED EVERYTHING etc. from your vocabulary. These are defeatist failure words. Your mind believes and does what you tell it. So use words that help you to succeed, such as I CAN, I’LL WORK IT OUT, HOW CAN I FIND THE SOLUTION, THIS IS EXCITING, I WILL etc.

Remember to breathe mindfully and stay present. Remember you are Love, created by Love, so allow Love to flow through you to others including yourself.

There is no ceiling to your dreams except the ones you put there. So dream ridiculously big, blow your own mind and blow your own trumpet.

Be kind to yourself and others when things do not go exactly as you plan. It's all a part of the process. Make another plan and keep going. God/The Universe/Source/The Force knows the way to your dreams, so, keep dreaming, listen to the guide, course correct and carry on.

You are the light, so let yourself shine brighter and brighter each day as you learn, grow, be inspired and inspire those you connect with.

Manage your thoughts well, that's where the energy of all your dreams start their journey to become your reality. Stay focused in each moment on the beauty of life so your thoughts work for you and not against you.

Forget new year's resolutions, they are a waste of time. You are and will do whatever your subconscious programming is set to do. So instead of setting yourself up to fail, preset your win instead, change the program...

To make lasting and permanent change use your will-power (5% success rate) or get help; Book a free discovery call to talk to one of our RTT Hypnotherapists to change your subconscious/automatic behaviour to something more positive and progressive (95% success rate).

Give more than you take to keep unconditional Love alive inside your heart.

Step boldly into your life everyday, being grateful instead of complaining, blaming and shaming. Look for the best instead of the worst. Bring your smile and spread joy not misery.

Everyone is going through something so lift someone up and not pull them down, especially when they are not necessily kind back. Hold your energy high so you can be there to support.

Set yourself free to do your remarkable life with Grace, Love, Determination, Flow and Gratitude.

Say thank you to your past and all it’s challenges for taking you to this moment right now where you are becoming clearer, stronger and wiser.

Embrace all your dreams coming true and through to bless us all.

With Big Love from TWLT 💜💜✨💫

Have the best year yet.✨✨✨💫

Learn more about changing negative, limiting thoughts and beliefs to permanent positive and empowering ones that drives success and freedom. Learn more at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. Visit our website or book a Free Discovery Call to find out how we can help you free yourself of self sabotage to live the life you want and deserve to live.




The Past and its Relationship to The Future