

I met Thashna by chance and immediately felt lifted by her presence. I am calmer and more joyful …

— Kat

I regained contact with my inner resources, I feel whole and life is good again. ”

— Adam

“A simply life changing process.Thashna is a dynamic force of nature and supported me completely and I am now energised, excited and joyful in my approach to every day.…”

— Lizzie

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having sessions at TWLT?

    Negative Thought/Anxiety

    4. What was it like before you had you session at TWLT?

    Frustrating as my life was great but anxiety was not abating!

    5. What made your sessions at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    Effectiveness- this method has been hugely beneficial.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Impactful - the Team have helped me kick start my positivity again!

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    More time and space for positivity and less anxiety!!!!!!!

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT or coaching at TWLT?

    Do it! Team are amazing, supportive and understanding - couldn’t have asked for better support!!

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Confidence and self esteem

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    Sometimes having a low level of confidence in expressing myself and advocating for myself. Although I have been successful in some areas, the low self esteem has been limiting me to achieve my full potential.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    It is powerful and deep on identifying issues through your subconscious mind.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Powerful as it digs deeply in your subconscious to find the root of a specific pattern of behavior that limits you sometimes.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I was able to identify why I was behaving in a specific way for many years. Also, the session helped me to identify the specific areas to focus on to rewire old behaviors.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Not to be afraid if they have not done a hypnosis before. Thashna is very supportive and explains every step along the way.

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT

    Anxiety/ self-confidence

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT

    I would wake up feeling exhausted almost every day. Anxiety would flood through my day, presenting as stomach issues and also often with panic attacks. I was constantly getting upset and crying a lot which was defeating as I couldn’t figure out why. I would always get frustrated as I felt as if I wasn’t living my life the way I wanted, I always felt held back by something; I considered myself a driven person but always felt as if I could never reach my full potential. I would always overthink everything at the end of the day and analyse things I said or did; worrying what other people thought. I felt as if I couldn’t ever just be myself and not worry what others were thinking.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    The biggest thing that set it apart for me was the instant results. In the past I have always felt as if other therapies or medications just kind of mask the issue or provide coping mechanisms; this therapy aims to get to the root of the issue and solve it, and this is exactly what it did.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Freeing. I have never felt so confident and calm in myself. It completely changed my perspective on myself and my life, in a good way! Even during the whole session Thashna has a beautiful way of connecting with you to make you feel so comfortable and heard which was a huge help.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I have been able to go about my day with a sense of ease, almost as if the part of myself that was holding me back is gone for good. I no longer have had panic attacks and I have lots more energy to focus on the things I want to do in my life.

    8. What would you tell someone who's considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Go for it! When I first heard about this kind of therapy I was a little hesitant as I didn’t expect it to change my life or make a huge difference as nothing ever had in the past. I imagine everyone has a different experience, however I can confidently say that it has changed my life.

  • How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT

    Moving forward and achieving my goals. I have felt stuck in the same place for too long and need to free myself from this rut!

    What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I previously felt despondent and lethargic, my energy levels were low and I couldn't summon the enthusiasm I knew I needed to flourish.

    What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    I had never actually heard of it before - I met Thashna by chance and immediately felt lifted by her presence. She is such a ray of light! I couldn't really explain it any other way than I just had a strong feeling that all was coming into alignment and that I needed this.

    If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?


    What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I have this feeling of finding and reconnecting with parts of me that I had let slip - forgotten and neglected aspects that had become stuck in the shadows now seem to be coming back into the light, and I feel more myself than I have in a long while.

    Things seem to be falling into place with more ease. I find I am better able to make decisions which benefit me and my family, I am calmer and more joyful, my relationships are improving and I am excited by all the potential life holds.

    What would you tell someone who's considering having RTT at TWLT?

    This has been such a beautiful experience for me - I would heartily recommended it! Thashna guides you every step of the way, so you feel supported and safe. Even though the RTT took me to some emotional places, I never felt worried or alarmed, just held. Truly healing.

“It is powerful and deep on identifying issues…”

— Dimi

“I can confidently say that it has changed my life. ”

— Hettie

“TWLT will help you realize there is so much more you could be achieving...”

— Janine

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Having the focus and drive to stick to personal and professional goals. For as long as I can remember I always get into a good headspace for about 6-7 weeks, feeling focused and positive then something will happen and I will completely lose all motivation and commitment to what I'm trying to achieve. I have struggled to understand how I can be so focused then lose all motivation after several weeks.

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    Before I started RTT I was feeling very frustrated and annoyed with myself. I would find it very difficult to pull myself out of cycles of feeling lack of motivation and drive. I couldn’t understand how I could go from being motivated and focused to then lose all drive after several weeks. I would then struggle for a few months to get back into a good mind frame. I have always had this pattern of behaviour but know I needed to find a way to stay on track long term.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    RTT at TWLT reached me at a level I've never experienced before. I've tried so many ways/methods of trying to stay motivated and sticking to fitness routines/achieving professional goals/personal goals. Thashna takes the time to understand what it is you are currently experiencing, how those feelings/fears are holding you back. Her guidance throughout the whole session is phenomenal, I feel now I can move forward and achieve my dreams and goals.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Phenomenal, how I feel following my session at TWLT is like nothing I've experienced before, I wake up with enthusiasm and motivation. I definitely feel a sense of loving myself now and believing that I now have the power create a wonderful, fulfilling life for myself and my family.I can't stop listening to my transformation recording, it gives me the most amazing feeling and so much excitement for my future. I have found it easy to stick to listening to my recording daily, I love hearing the words and how it makes me feel for the rest of the day, so much so that I listen to it more than once daily!

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I instantly felt like a weight has been lifted following my RTT session. I have been able to stick to my routines with a great sense of motivation and drive. I feel full of energy and feel very optimistic.Not only has my RTT session given me such a great boost it has also boosted the mood within my family, I feel that we all moving forward together to achieve great things and make the most amazing memories.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Absolutely go for it! How you feel following the session is just amazing, you learn so much about yourself, learn to be kinder to yourself , I wish I had done this sooner. We all carry emotions from our past, but to find out what has been holding me back all this time has just been incredible.

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    2. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Feelings of abandonment. Feeling stuck.

    Feeling unlovable and unloved. Processing loss.

    Issues with parents especially mom at an early age. Lack of trust.

    Being closed off.

    3. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I was constantly "trying" to effect a change in my life. I knew what needed to be done but I was struggling and fighting with myself to come up with a solution.

    4. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    It is thorough and it's also quick. I live in the United States and so time is a real factor for me. Repeated trips to a therapist over two years was not the most convenient for me.

    I started the TWLT session with modest expectations. I had done hypnotherapy once, didn’t like it and have been a skeptic ever since. Thashna explained this was not traditional hypnotherapy, I still remained a skeptic, but I trusted her and the process so we began. What followed was a lesson in compassion patience and love. She guided me where I stumbled and held my hand as I was taken from experience to experience in search of my inner judge(s). I found, confronted, forgave them and let them go. The transformation part of the therapy was simply that, TRANSFORMATIONAL. I was aware and conscious but felt like I was in a gentle trance listening to Thashna’s soothing voice as she moved me through the powerful transformation to the acknowledgment of my new truths. I could see myself doing things in slow motion knew I was not moving and almost at the state of a deep sleep but not quite sleeping. I was aware of myself, new possibilities, new hopes, a new me. I left the session awakened and enlightened. I felt like I was floating along and I felt at peace. I knew without leaving my apartment that everything was going to be okay from there on, not because I had all the answers but because I knew Thashna had helped me take the reins of my life and take back control from my former self who had up to that point, been running my program as a 7 year old, an 11 year old and as a 13 year old. Thashna and TWLT will be part of my life going forward. I might need a tune up from time to time. She helped me put in perspective and shine a light on my life.

    It’s an evolutionary process, and so, as my life evolves, I would like her to be right there with me whacking the weeds and transforming my life.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Transformational, because I could feel my brain and body being recalibrated as we progressed through the session.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    My session was yesterday. I slept like a log. I noticed that the spot in my body where I experienced the clog or build up of emotions, related to my experiences is very active today, I can tell it needs a little love. I can feel my body going through the confusing newness. My brain is clear so far, no anxieties and fear about approaching my goals head on and achieving them.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Do it. It's not just for trauma survivors or people who had some type of loss or suffering during childhood, adolescence or adulthood. It's for everywhere in your life where you feel stuck and the other areas where you know where you're going and need guidance. Because no matter what you know, sometimes something like TWLT will help you realize there is so much more you could be achieving.

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    I just wasn't feeling motivated in the mornings anymore after suffering burnout and a fibromyalgia and hEDS diagnosis.

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    Every morning was a challenge to get moving and get to work, I would much rather press snooze, be late and turn up scruffy

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    Thashna understood my issues and the best way to solve them for me. She filled me with confidence, provided a safe place, without judgement that my lack of motivation could be resolved swiftly and the hidden obstacles stopping me from achieving my dreams removed

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Inspirational. Inspired to walk in my power.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    Each day I am waking up with more energy and readiness to look after me and step out of bed as myself, in my power without being limited by the past

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Absolutely go for it.

“I’m still actually really blown away by how effective the technique was and how deep Thashna got with it. ”

— Dean

“I found it a profound experience, I was taken to a deep level of relaxation and openness..”

— Lily

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    I was feeling emotional pain and not able to let go of the pain , it was taking over my daily lift in a very negative way and feelings toward a family member that I did not want.

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I was crying angry upset most days feeling stuck sad heartbroken

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    It made me understand exactly where the pain came from and that I could let it go , it's my choice , it's not beneficial to hold on to this feeling any more , it gave me understanding and freedom.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Professional, I just found it very Professional from the beginning which gave me confidence that Thashna would do all and give all , her expertise to help me feel better and it truly did .

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I have been able to let go of over thinking that situation, when I am with this person I take nothing personal, I feel it is not their intention to hurt me and never was . I feel they have their own mind set and that’s their choice , I can laugh fondly to myself when they make negative comments toward me or anything and think fondly that it's interesting how their mind works and that if that works for them that's OK. To accept not to take it personally. Let go and be aware of only the good energy in each situation. Freedom.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Definitely go for it. For freedom understanding and peace of mind ..

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Anxiety and depression

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I had a lot of anxiety and worries that were occupying my thoughts most of the time

    What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    I was referred to TWLT by a friend who found it effective.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Caring. I felt Thashna understood and truly wanted to help me through my issue.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    Going into a cafe on my own and staying for 75 minutes. Something I was NOT able to do without a panic attack.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    To do it.. If you want to make changes. Invest in yourself

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)? 


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Making decisions about future plans.

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I was feeling very stuck and anxious.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    The use of hypnosis, focusing on positive outcomes and building in practice. The bespoke follow up transformation recording to sustain the work till it is permanent after the session is complete.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why? 

    I found it a profound experience, I was taken to a deep level of relaxation and openness.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    Feeling cheerful, able to reconnect with my spirit.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Thashna is a warm and safe practitionerShe is to the point and focuses on a key issues that you want to resolve

— Stacey

RTT at TWLT reached me at a level I've never experienced before. ”

“Letting go was the best gift I gave myself through the process. which revealed so much.”

— Na…..er

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)


    Dear Thashna,I would like to thank you for this afternoon’s TWLT transformation session, it was absolutely amazing!

    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    I was stress, and anxious with too much going on in my head. I was starting to feel I was losing grip which made me panic. I was getting palpitations. It was a horrible cycle worry and anxiety.

    4. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    I felt the flow of the session went very smoothly and I could engage with the process, due to Thashna’s slick guidance. It was very thorough and all the different sections that we had discussed came together at the end making alot of sense. I am a very determined person and so want this to work as well as possible, hence look forward to sticking to listening to the recording on a daily basis. Beautifully session, extremely thorough and to the point.

    5. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I doubted myself, I was fearful of life in general. I felt I was being overrun by my own life, I felt completely consumed. Sometimes like I was losing my mind. It was frightening.

    I felt Thashna was excellent at guiding me through the necessary processes, explaining clearly. The tone and timing of everything she said was great, hence making me feel at ease and trust in letting her know everything I needed to address my problem without doubt or fear. I usually don’t relax this much with anyone.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why? 


    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I felt the most relaxed and calm I have done in also 4 years, afterwards. I won’t lie, it was a tough heart wrenching process at times, but I felt I could trust Thashna with my innermost feeling and drawbacks. Letting go was the best gift I gave myself through the process. which revealed so much.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT? 

    Do it! Do it! Free yourself.

    Thank you once again Thashna 😄

  • 1 How many sessions?


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT

    Lack of Confidence and Low Self Esteem. Perpetual procrastination

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I came to Thashna as I was interested in the procedure of RTT and as such didn’t really have any expectations.

    Recently I have been trying to progress in business and had booked onto a very expensive business coaching course and hadn’t really got anywhere with it.

    I kept finding myself getting so far and just before I announced what I was doing or put out a programme I slammed on the brakes and went back to square one. This was a pattern of behaviour I had noticed keeping me back from expressing the true me and progressing in life.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    Thashna talked me through the process very clearly before I was hypnotised so I knew what to expect and felt very safe in her hands. Being hypnotised itself wasn’t what you see on the stage, in actual fact I remember thinking that it probably wasn’t working on me.

    The first scene Thashna directed me to seemed a bit blank so by this point I really thought it wasn’t working, although I did reveal to her that I felt very warm and safe – womb like.

    In the next scene I was outside my childhood home looking at a green car, my conscious brain was trying to make sense of it and basically getting in the way guessing all the wrong things, I didn’t think we had a green car! After speaking with my brother afterwards it turns out we DID have a green car which correlated to the time I was thinking about in that scene.

    A lot of stuff came up around my family and I was asked to speak to them to ask the questions I needed the answers to back when I was 4 or 5.

    I cried an awful lot; it just came streaming out of me from deep within and afterwards I felt so light and clear.

    Thashna told me to take it easy afterwards but I already had a couple of meetings lined up which I needed to attend. That was a revelation! I met with my colleague and instead of mumbling under my breath when anything relating to money was concerned, I was clear and concise and we discussed money and plans without me having that ‘icky’ feeling.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why? 

    Brilliant, I can’t believe this is really me! I feel like I just had an upgrade!

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    On the school pick up it felt as if I was looking into people’s eyes properly for the first time, almost in a way of saying – ‘Yes, I’m here, I matter enough to be confident in front of you, listen to me – what I have to say is important’.

    Business-wise it’s like a gate has been opened. I’ve been collaborating with all sorts of people because I feel like I’m good enough to be collaborated with now! I have lots of plans and just seem to jump into them instead of thinking of loads of ideas and not acting upon anything.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    I’ve been listening to my hypnosis every night – it’s very relaxing and I have to try hard not to fall asleep! All in all, an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what the future holds without all these blockages that have been preventing me from pushing forwards and shining my beautiful shine! If you want to shine and be all you can be and feel completely liberated, book a session right away.

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    Thank you so so much for our session today, it was amazing. I am so grateful that you have given me this opportunity of receiving RTT and so happy to have had the session with you. I didn’t know what to expect . I was in a really dark place.

    4. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    I told you that I’ve tried a few things before, but I have to say that today has definitely resonated with me the most. 

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    I am very impressed with the whole process. I’m still actually really blown away from how effective the technique was and how deep you got with it. 

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why? 


    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I have definitely already come away so much more positive within just one session. I can’t wait to see how much of a transformation I will get from 21 days and more from the recording. I haven’t had chance to listen to either recordings as of yet. As I have been sleeping this afternoon. I didn’t realize how much the session actually took out of me emotionally.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Please don’t hesitate to do it. I will be recommending RTT with Thashna to everybody. I will listen to my bespoke recording daily. Many thanks and feeling happy and positive 😊Dean.

“It’s fast and goes straight to the root of the problem and deals with it…Thashna is your woman..”

— Shirley

“Definitely go for it. For freedom understanding and peace of mind ..”

— Donna

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Repetitive loss of confidence and sense of inadequacy

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    Groundhog day/year

     5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    It got to the heart of the problem in a way I’ve never been able to previously. Impressive!

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?


    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    One of the core, frustrating symptoms was turning to sugar as a way of avoiding uncomfortable feelings. Normally, the worst time for this would be afternoons, yet the session finished at lunchtime and the usual out of control craving didn’t occur that day. I’m hopeful that by listening to my recording, this new pattern will become the norm.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Thashna is strong, smart, perceptive, intuitive and very professional. If you have ever felt that other therapies were too slow, or that you were going round in circles, skirting the edges of a problem with unclear progress, thats not this! It’s fast and goes straight to the root of the problem and deals with it…Thashna is your woman.

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you nd the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)? 


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Self-condence, self-worth

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    Couldn’t look in the mirror, wasn’t feeling enough

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    RTT is working with our subconscious mind – haven’t used it in-person before. Thashna was really friendly and kind all the way through. She had this ‘I understand’, ‘I wanna help’ attitude towards my situation, it really made me feel she is truly want to help for my own good.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?

    Outstanding, because no one helped me like this.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    I feel beautiful when I look in the mirror, I have starting the having ideas about my own business.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Highly recommend it.

  • 1 How many sessions?:


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT?

    Thashna is Amazing! I went into this feeling really nervous, of the unknown and wandering if it could really help. I’d let anxiety take over my life, I’d tried mediation, journaling, writing lists and everything else but nothing had made a difference so why would this? I was also scared of letting someone in, I’ve always been very good at hiding my feelings from everyone. 

    However within minutes with Thashna I felt so comfortable and wasn’t nervous at all, she is so professional, inspiring, friendly and positive. I honestly forgot she was on the laptop in front of me, she was in my head, my guidance 💕

    4. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    She managed to pull things out of me that I thought I had got over a long time ago, but I obviously hadn’t. Thashna helped me to see how these things were not helping me anymore  and together we managed to flush these things away. The scenes that come up during my hypnosis were not memories that i think about, I literally do not know where they came from. It was like watching my life on video and someone was forcing me to see parts of my life that I needed to understand. It was amazing. I have never experienced therapy like this before.

    5. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    It’s almost like she’s given me glasses and I’m seeing the world clearly again. I’m noticing the world around me, seeing the steam from my coffee and realising I didn’t remember the last time I noticed it. I was present with myself and focused.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why? 

    Transforming! Because she has changed my life!

    I strutted out of my bedroom after my zoom session, feeling like an absolute goddess!! Feeling so positive and excited about my future…. A few days ago I was struggling to plan for the day ahead! Those negative words I used to describe myself…. That’s not me anymore!! I’m happy, I find myself smiling all the time.

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    My head was always too busy but now I’m more present, the little things make me smile, there’s no negativity and a lot less things to worry about. 

    I love listening to my recording, everytime it just makes me smile and constantly reminds me that I am amazing and I’m going to make amazing things happen in my life 💕

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Anyone who’s thinking about doing this….. go for it! You’re not going to regret it, she is literally the best 💕🦋and the best that you will feel after is completely worth it! Best wishesLindsey

— Sarah

“Brilliant, I can’t believe this is really me! I feel like I just had an upgrade!”

— Deb

“I felt Thashna understood and truly wanted to help me through my issue..”

  • 2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT


    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT

    hard to deal with day to day.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    I have had CAT ( a talking therapy)for 3 years ,but wasn't getting progressing , if I was it was a slow progress. RTT seems to get right to the nub of the problem very quickly

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?


    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    too soon to know

    8. What would you tell someone who's considering having RTT at TWLT?

    give it a go

  • 1 How many sessions?


    2. How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT

    Lack of Confidence and Low Self Esteem. Perpetual procrastination

    4. What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT?

    I came to Thashna as I was interested in the procedure of RTT and as such didn’t really have any expectations.

    Recently I have been trying to progress in business and had booked onto a very expensive business coaching course and hadn’t really got anywhere with it.

    I kept finding myself getting so far and just before I announced what I was doing or put out a programme I slammed on the brakes and went back to square one. This was a pattern of behaviour I had noticed keeping me back from expressing the true me and progressing in life.

    5. What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    Thashna talked me through the process very clearly before I was hypnotised so I knew what to expect and felt very safe in her hands. Being hypnotised itself wasn’t what you see on the stage, in actual fact I remember thinking that it probably wasn’t working on me.

    The first scene Thashna directed me to seemed a bit blank so by this point I really thought it wasn’t working, although I did reveal to her that I felt very warm and safe – womb like.

    In the next scene I was outside my childhood home looking at a green car, my conscious brain was trying to make sense of it and basically getting in the way guessing all the wrong things, I didn’t think we had a green car! After speaking with my brother afterwards it turns out we DID have a green car which correlated to the time I was thinking about in that scene.

    A lot of stuff came up around my family and I was asked to speak to them to ask the questions I needed the answers to back when I was 4 or 5.

    I cried an awful lot; it just came streaming out of me from deep within and afterwards I felt so light and clear.

    Thashna told me to take it easy afterwards but I already had a couple of meetings lined up which I needed to attend. That was a revelation! I met with my colleague and instead of mumbling under my breath when anything relating to money was concerned, I was clear and concise and we discussed money and plans without me having that ‘icky’ feeling.

    6. If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why? 

    Brilliant, I can’t believe this is really me! I feel like I just had an upgrade!

    7. What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    On the school pick up it felt as if I was looking into people’s eyes properly for the first time, almost in a way of saying – ‘Yes, I’m here, I matter enough to be confident in front of you, listen to me – what I have to say is important’.

    Business-wise it’s like a gate has been opened. I’ve been collaborating with all sorts of people because I feel like I’m good enough to be collaborated with now! I have lots of plans and just seem to jump into them instead of thinking of loads of ideas and not acting upon anything.

    8. What would you tell someone who’s considering having RTT at TWLT?

    I’ve been listening to my hypnosis every night – it’s very relaxing and I have to try hard not to fall asleep! All in all, an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what the future holds without all these blockages that have been preventing me from pushing forwards and shining my beautiful shine! If you want to shine and be all you can be and feel completely liberated, book a session right away.

  • How did you find the overall service at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT)?


    What problem(s) were you trying to solve having RTT at TWLT

    I wanted to regain sharpened mental clarity and inner condence in my ability to problem solve. I wanted to move away from anxiety responses and feel inner calm.

    What was it like before you had RTT at TWLT

    Throughout my life, but exponentially since the onset of perimenopause, my life had a perpetual undercurrent of anxiety and stress aecting every aspect of my life.

    What made RTT at TWLT stand out from other options you have used?

    TWLT seems to go to the root of the problem swiftly and is structured to lead you through a process of self discovery.

    If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience at TWLT, what would it be and why?


    What have you been able to achieve since having RTT at TWLT?

    It's early days for me but already I feel an increasing inner strength and calm readily accessible when I need to resolve a situation.

    What would you tell someone who's considering having RTT at TWLT?

    Don't hesitate take the plunge and do it!

“Thashna filled me with confidence, provided a safe place, without judgement that my lack of motivation”

— Faye

“Thashna has changed my life! I am feeling so positive and excited about my future.”

— Lindsey

Be the Champion Of Your Own Life With TWLT RTT and Grow2Glow Coaching!

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