Open Hearts and Sweet Vibes

7 minutes of Power:

Find a comfortable place with no distractions. Close your eyes and listen. Listen within to yourself. Can you sense your heart beating. Now breathe deep. Let each breathe target your heart and consume it with fresh oxygen which energizes and cleanses. Breathe out fully and with surrender, let the muscles all over your body relax. Repeat.

Sense the feeling inside your heart with each breath and its surrender. Magnify the feeling and allow it to rise. Don't be afraid of what you feel, allow it to come up. If it feels good, magnify it again and again, smile if you feel the need, laugh if you feel the need. If it feels bad, only observe, with no judgement and allow the feeling to be, it will pass. Only observe.

Practice this exercise for 10 minutes daily allowing your heart to guide you and show you who you are. Fall into the beauty of Love that begins to be revealed to you. Let go and immerse yourself. Keep breathing, releasing and relaxing.

Now put your focus on the energy around your body in the infinite void of space as you close your eyes. you are safe and open to the possibilities all the loving embrace of the universe and linger in this freeing and lovely space. still breathing deep into your heart and relinquishing rigidity, anxiety and analysis. Let go.

Powerful Creator: Lundy Bristol Channel, UK.

Let the energy radiate out as you continue to breathe and create more heart coherent energy. Feel the gratitude within your heart for this creative power. Feel how good it feels to build the energy field you are building now from pure awareness, intention and sweet emotions, just by going inside yourself. Do you see how powerful you are. Imagine what you could do when you practice this daily, targeting your energy in powerful and tangible ways. Stay here for as long as you like in this elevating vibration. the longer you linger, the more you can create.

What is the greatest vision of yourself. Can you live it in your heart now, through your thoughts and emotions? Use the details of the senses to make this inner dream your reality. So real that you can feel it, smell it, taste it, see it and hear it as you are right there in it. Be at ease about the dream, enjoy it. feel the feeling of gratitude for being able to experience this right now. It is real inside of you and will be real outside when you believe in it. You have created the energy of what you would like manifested. This energy now will find the same vibration of the things your want and bring them back to you. But first …

You must let go of the creation now, don't try yo attach yourself to it as it is already attached to you and you must trust and let go now for the universe to orchestrate the best outcome for you.

Get back to your breath and revel in the growing and glowing field of energy emanating from your heart and buzzing around your body. feel the gratitude of all is well, all your needs are met, you are free, you are at peace, you are full of love and you are a powerful creator.

Take 7 minutes to listen to this mindful meditation now.

By Thashna

Rapid transformational Therapist, Chiropractor, Freedom explorer, Eleutheromaniac and Soul liberator

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you atThashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks….

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