Adjustment Between the Ears

Mind Subluxations

We all could do with some of this. When you feel out of your depth, overwhelmed, out of sorts, afraid, confused, when you get like this repeatedly and you get tightly wound, what do you do?

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

If you hurt your neck, your back, your shoulder, if you have a tension headache, a distorted pelvis or pain in the SI joint, one would scream go see a chiropractor. Of course, because chiropractic is the art, science and philosophy of upholding the integrity of the spine, through physical adjustments. This corrects misalignment, creates movement where it was lost or reduced and stimulates the nervous system into healing and repairing.

I find that those who spend the time to look after their body and spine are often looking for ways to also adjust their minds. But can we adjust the mind in the same way? Absolutely, though less physical. How does one adjust between the ears with lasting results?

Imagine being able to change your mind to stop smoking, to stop drinking, to lose weight, to feel calm and clear in the midst of adversity, to be proactive and effective, to stop the obsessive compulsive behaviour you may have. Whatever your issue, imagine an adjustment that can correct the repeated pattern that leaves you stuck with these unwanted behaviours.

Learning the art of clearing your mind begins with locating, cleaning and clearing the lies, the limiting beliefs and perceptions. When we don't see eye to eye with someone for example, it's not a problem. There is only a problem if your perception makes it so. If you see a problem in the other person, then know that they are only showing you who you wish you were or were not.

Either way, there is a lesson for you to learn. So learn and lets move on, there is no problem. Allow each soul to dance on the path it chooses until he or she decides to switch paths. If everyone was on the same path, there would be nothing to share and learn and there would be no growth.

What's the Problem?

What are some of the negative things that you feel about yourself that you know stop you from being your best self. What are some undesirable things that you say and do and ways you respond that feel so indifferent yet deeply wired. They may leave you feeling a sense of shame, embarrassment or disappointment when in action.

But to cover it up, override it or compensate you may say, "this is just who I am and nothing can be done about it". But is there something that can be done about it? The answer is, yes. Every problem has a solution. The solution cannot however be found at the same frequency of the problem. So we must find the problem and change the charge around it.

To get to the problem we must first get to where the thought started that led to the problem, gain perspective by observation. On observation you can see where the thinking came from and why it causes the response you give it now. Most people know this and still have no idea how to turn it around and change the unwanted behaviour.

This is because using only your will to change a deeply ingrained habit will fail since life happens and we forget and get drawn back into the behaviour without even realizing we are there again because your behaviour is on automatic. This leaves us feeling defeated, sad, depressed and highly annoyed.

If however we can do a mind hack, i.e. adjust between the ears, then you are off to being the YOU you want to be. The mind hack would involve putting your conscious and analytic mind to sleep through deep relaxation/hypnosis then have a subconscious rewire. It sounds complicated, but it is as simple as you will allow and letting yourself surrender to the change you want.

Imagine the person who wants to lose weight. They have tried every diet there is and they still can't lose the weight. In cases such as this a person might be using willpower on a deeply rooted subconscious wiring. This is not going to work of course. They might lose the weight and find that a few months later they gain it again and gain even more than they had before.

The subconscious mind is powerful and if the weight has some deeply subconscious purpose or role in that person's life, such as to protect them, the subconscious mind is going to do it's job and protect. So the weight returns and in most cases, it stays regardless of the dieting because it is serving a purpose.

Learned Behaviours

We all come into the world feeling worthy and with a knowing and assumption that all our needs will be met. As we develop and grow and learn, we learn to feel insecure, scared, unloved, rejected, e.t.c. Our young minds form a conclusion and move into protective mode. Every time a similar situation shows up the mind is taught to react/respond in the same protective manner. Like learning to ride a bike, drive a car or any hard wired skill, the negative behaviours of fear, insecurity, feeling unloveable also become hard wired as we are exposed to situations that proves them right. This is the problem.

Why is it a problem? Because the mind does what you tell it and if a negative experienced has left you believing that life is cruel and I must trust no one, then your body responds by shutting down into protective mode of shyness, unkindness, closed up, unsociable, insulating/gaining weight.

Image by kirillslov from Pixabay

It is also true in weight gain that people can gain weight because they want to be seen and being bigger gets you seen. It all depends on the perception of the individual and what subconscious belief is driving the unwanted behaviour.

The point is, until we get into the memories and the scenes involved in the creation of the limiting beliefs, we cannot remove and replace them with better ones that serve in a positive way. Most of these limiting beliefs started during childhood. Children lack the ability to reason effectively before the age of 7 or in some cases up to the age of 10.

This is because as the conscious mind is not yet developed, the subconscious mind is all there is and it mops up information without analysis at that young age. Once the information is wired in as truth and without question, we grow up and more experiences strengthen and hard wire the fears and the anxieties of our childhood and adolescence right into adulthood. We sometimes recognize and intuitively know the unwanted behaviour is irrational and we know we can be better than we are but feel held back, stuck and frustrated.

Mind Hack

The only way out is to go within. Inside where the faulty wiring lies and tell the story without taking the limitations and fears along. When the mind feels we are safe, the body responds with calm, freedom and joy. Free your mind and the rest will indeed follow.

Everyone with limiting beliefs fall under three ways of thinking.

  1. I am not enough, so I don't deserve, I don't have what it takes, no one cares for me and therefore I cannot have what I want

  2. What I want is not available to me, people like me can't have that success

  3. I am different, I am a weirdo, I am a freak, no one gets me, so I cannot have what I want

Intuitively we all know where we fit. Remember though, YOU are enough, we all are. Everything is available to us all and we are all the same, with dreams and aspirations. We all want to feel loved and accepted and we all want to achieve our purpose. So don't allow these old and redundant beliefs to run the show anymore.

Get your shine back. Take your power back, whatever situation you find yourself in, you have what it takes to be who you want to be. Clean up the storage cupboard, throw out the dated bags of crap and replace them with some lovely juicy life changing bags of fun, unlimited freedom and success.

Image by dandelion_tea from Pixabay

Hack your mind through Rapid Transformational Therapy. It does what it says on the tin. It's rapid and it is transformational. Learn more here

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks…

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