Diamond In The Rough

Opportunity Crisis

Thashna at the Hawns and Dendle ancient woodlands, Dartmoor, UK.

No bluebells were harmed in the production of this photo.

Crisis Dragon

As we are going through crisis, where the unknown is the present, it’s ok to feel that all you have worked so hard for has been taken away. It does feel like the rug has been pulled from our feet. It's ok to have mixed feelings on where and what to do next.

In the halt of economies, the worry of tomorrow rings loud. Hearts are contracting and the stress response is high. But within the clouds of doubt and worry lie the energy for creating an even better tomorrow. That starts now in embracing the current environment.

Life is a flow. The best and most successful way to deal with its so called challenges is to allow them, observe them, thank them and then release them. Stay in the flow always emotionally calling the shots.

The energy you feel is the energy you attract with, so just observe without giving your energy away, stay neutral. Better yet, observing with Love will bring you more strength and flow of a loving nature. You decide how you want things to be past this point.

It’s time to look the dragon of whatever besets you in the eyes and realize, it is only a hologram looking like a real dragon, created through our individual or collective thoughts. It's real only if YOU keep making it so.

What we see around us is the reality of our life thus far, nothing can change that as it is what it is. Every fear stems from a thought that a situation should not be what it is. It should be different to what it is. How insane is it to think that? After all it is what it is, so, we can’t think it different to what it is.

Fear and anxiety in any situation are developed from this insanity. We ask, “why is it like this?” “Who made it like this!” Or we think, “it shouldn’t be like this but should be like that”. All these thoughts are wasted energy on something that already is or was and so all our judgments and justifications will not change what is or what has been. Yet so many seem to be caught in this cloud of panic. Caught in what isn’t and what wasn't, thus tied up in a bundle of stress and worry; such wasted energy.

Stop for a moment and just listen to yourself. Pay attention to the thoughts that go by, let them do just that, go by. Unless of course they serve you and bring some positivity to your life, then download them and use them. But let the ones that bring anxiety pass by and choose wisely another that’s more productive.

Thoughts are energy packages that are always there for you if you wish to use them, you don’t have to indulge them all. That will make you crazy, inefficient, stressed, bitter and in time mentally and physically ill.

Let only the thoughts that serve a brighter future and inspire a peaceful presence be allowed to land on the tarmac of your dreams, regardless of the reality you find yourself in.

Loud Silence

If one is filled with confusion and stress, the opacity of fear and heavy fog negativity will block the way to your sparkling diamond clarity. Clean yourself up, let the grime of confusion go and shine.


Thashna at the Bridestones of Dalby Forest, North Yorkshire, UK.

In any present moment, There is Peace. In every peaceful moment, there is Clarity. In Clarity, there is Freedom to act with Love and Compassion. Within this state lies the Joy of the Divine, inside you.

Investigate your present moments and appreciate the stillness that speaks so loudly within you, whatever the situation you face.

The loudness of the silence holds the path and the answers to any question you seek. Listen! It is here in this newness space of each moment that you will open up and bloom as the beauty you are. Only in this stillness can we create our freedom.

Fair enough, if that means nothing to those who feel deeply stress inundated. Ok, let’s try this.

Think on moments where you tried so hard to work for an outcome, but no matter which way you turn, the outcome turned out not as you wanted it or you just couldn’t seem to get the break or support you needed to bring it together. The more you forced it the more resistance you came up against. Remember any moments like that? I certainly can think of many.

You cried, you swore, you exploded or even tried to cheat or manipulate for the result you wanted, but it blew up in your face, brought added and prolonged stress or the results were to no lasting winning avail. You may remember becoming angry, irritable, snappy, rude and miserable to everyone as the resistance got stronger and stronger.

Jolted into a moment of presence, often through taking things too far and where someone got hurt or you hurt yourself, you stopped and maybe you took a few deep breaths.

The cloud started to lift away. Being present you simply decided, the path you were on was not working, so you loosened your grip, you exhaled, you let it go for the moment, you released the tension of the push and the force around this desire and returned to the reality of your nowness, of peace and surrender.

In that gap of surrender you sighed, you gave in and may even have deemed it a lost cause and you let your body and mind take a break, and just Be. Peace. Ahhh...Back in flow.

What happened instantly or soon after? An opportunity presented itself, even better than you planned and involved less effort than you were previously putting in. This is the Divine flow, and once we let go, allow, and trust the process of creation, things unfold effortlessly. This power lies in managing our thoughts and emotions.

Observe your reality, but keep Peace alive in observing it. In the mean time, remain light about the outcome you want for your life as you make your intentions crystal clear in your mind. Feel the manifestation in your heart and allow the energy of creation (this will come) to calmly inspire your next move toward your dreams and your dreams toward you.


The unknown is your blank canvas, so get creative in what you want, now that you already know what you do not want. Waste no more time dwelling on what could have been and let's now create a masterpiece. All you have to do is to stay present with it. Staying focused in the creative state of letting go of the old and allowing the new to take shape. You will be ecstatically surprised.

Try never to force anything that seem resistant to your plans and efforts. Happiness is in flow, not force. Instead, take a different path.

Climb over, or climb under, and whistle in the fun.

Thashna at Blackdown Hills, Prior's Park Woodlands. South West England .UK

Spend your energy on the feeling of already having what you set out to achieve. Make sure you first have the belief that it is possible for you. Then feel it. What do you think it would feel like when the outcome is achieved? Feel that feeling in the present moment while you take inspired action on what needs to be done.

So what do you want? Is it freedom? What does it feel like to have the freedom you dream of? What are you doing when you feel this freedom? Get specific. Feel it in your body now, enjoy it and live in this feeling.

Emotionalize the heck out of this Freedom in the present moment till it feels real, like it truly is happening, because it is.

Look for synchronicities, they will show up to guide your path. Smile and fuel them with gratitude. Gratitude means the event has already happened and you know without a doubt it is yours. Keep at it and soon you will see you have manifested your dreams or been inspired to better dreams by staying present, focused and free. After all you are what you attract so you can only attract what you are.

Studies have shown that the brain does not know the difference between something you imagine and something that’s really happening. Once you believe the dream, it becomes a reality to your mind, you will be brought to it, or it will be attracted to you. So be careful how you spend your thoughts and emotions as you will attract more events to generate more of those emotions you are generating.

So experiment if you are skeptical and if you know these truths, then what are you waiting for? Practice makes perfect. Revel in the study till you flow as you naturally are at your core.

So, on a global scale there is much anxiety and fear from every angle. If you can, remain in the gap of sanity. Observing, and being compassionate, we all will serve the greater purpose than being swept up in the uncertainty and fear. The purpose of evolving to our calmer, happier selves and giving others the support and freedom to do the same.

The unknown is an opportunity to create. As the things we were previously attached to have been taken away to some extent. Now is prime time to create something better. Eyes forward, paint your masterpiece. What do you want for yourself, your family, your town, city, country, the world? Is this in alignment with Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy and Freedom? Then dream and feel it into your existence. The Divine within is waiting for you to align with every good thing.

This is our individual desire and together we have the power to change the world, when we return to our innate intelligence. When we are sincere and dedicated in our presence, sparks of inspiration will forever fuel us to get up and into action toward our dreams and goals in an effortless way as the Divine Universe matches your desires to the appropriate outcome.

Dream it, Believe it, Feel it, Repeat it......Freedom.

Freedom is here first and around the corner. Thashna in the Hawns and Dendle ancient Woodland, Dartmoor, UK.

By Thashna

Freedom explorer, Eleutheromaniac and Soul liberator

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks….

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