Crossing Chaos to Consciousness

Chaos, the necessary movement to a new enlightened civilization

There is a choice we all have to make at this time, and that is to choose to be supportive of the healing and repair of the earth in its state of overcoming revolution or to be the cause of its festering sores.

Everyone is focused on the effects as usual which adds so much energy to it making it worse, the fear and the uncertainty causing more fear and insecurity. For those who are conscious to the dynamic changes that are taking place through this unfortunate pandemic, will know that this is the effect of global unconsciousness.

It's time to wake up and be a supporter of our deep innate Love and Light, steering us to the bright side of evolution. Its time to take a global approach and observe this beautiful garden called earth we are so blessed to be a part of. Think of the part you play in its survival and its beauty. Are you bringing Love to it or are you contributing to stripping it bare and taking its beauty and abundance for granted?

Nature is constant and will always balance itself the best way it can and regardless of who you are, it will do what it needs to do to put itself right. Death, unfortunately for us as morbid as we see it, is a necessary part of this balance. Natural disasters, sickness and death are some of natures ways of finding balance.

The vibrations of life are persistent and so are the competitive vibrations of greed and separation. The fight between the two will always be won by the humbling power of the Universe, the power of Love. This is so because the further apart we push away from each other and compete against each other contributes to a vibration reactive against life itself.

The plants, the animals, the earth and we ourselves are all a part of a symbiotic flow of life. To look at ourselves as separate and not the same is crazy and clearly fueled by ignorance.

It's often said that we are destroying the earth, and though there is truth to this, the more accurate way to put it would be to say that we are destroying ourselves. Nature will always put itself right first and we will be the collateral consequences of its decisions as we are a direct part of it.

We are a part of the earth. What we do affects it down to the seemingly insignificant. Wake up and be nicer to the earth (ourselves).

Where is your Energy?

What are you thinking to support Love and healing. Are you moaning, complaining, focusing on the negatives in life. Are you giving up all your energy and power to the media stories designed to anchor you in fear and insecurity. Are you inundated with the thoughts of the worse that could happen?

Remember that where you put your attention, is where you put your energy and where you put your energy is where it does its finest work. Choose carefully what you want to see more of and put your attention to that because that is what you will see more of.

This is not just talk. Governments and media know how to get and keep your attention as most people walk around unconsciously thinking very little about anything deeper than what they will eat, wear, watch on tv, what job they have, how much money they will make and generally where to get the next fix of entertainment.

You can lead your own life by waking up to who you are and make wiser choices, your choices, not the choice of another. You alone are responsible for the part you play in your life. Lead or be lead like sheep to the slaughter only to start bleating when its too late.

You can see now that all the status and seeking of approval outside of ourselves does not matter as when nature has it's way, for example the current pandemic, all these superficial things are swiped within moments from under our feet. Now we look in disbelief and try to place blame perhaps, or wondering what just happened.

Looking in the Mirror

If we look at ourselves and our individual response to this gift of life on our beautiful earthly home, how have we been behaving? Going forward after these months of disruption to 'our norm', what will we do now to give our planet what it needs?

What will we do to correct, to improve, to contribute positively to life and to the protection of our air, our soil, and all of nature's delights that we thrive on? We are all connected and what one person does has an affect on all of us. It is all our business now, when the disruptions occur, and it is still all our business to promote harmony.

Our planet is a reflection of us and so are the events that occur within it. We are responsible. So lets change our head space. Lets not wait for a neighbor or someone else to make change. We are the change. It has always been that way, but we were too busy to care, hence we find ourselves here.

Take some time to be present to the part you playing in this Pandemic. We are all playing a part energetically. Is your energy based in fear and death or is it based in Love and life. Think about it.

So what is your responsibility? Yes to help those in need, but in the vast list of those in need there has to be time made for our evolution. In this I mean, creating the right energetic frequency within ourselves (to contribute to the rising up from the ashes of the earths cry for order) in knowing and Loving ourselves first. In doing this we can surpass fear and can unconditionally Love everyone and everything without pride or prejudice. This is where we give of our best selves. This is where we come back to being the loving gardeners of the earth.

As I asked before, what are you doing to demonstrate healing in the earth, what are you giving your attention to? As human beings we often do not see how powerful we are and how our collective thoughts and emotions are the key to evolving this chaotic, fearsome state to one of sweet peace and flow: environmentally, physically, and mentally.

The lily rises from the mud of chaos, but it's within these thick murky waters that it develops strength and wisdom, and where the nutrients of security infuses its roots. It does not give in to the push against its ascension, but it knows on the other side of the darkness and perceived chaos, lies the beautiful expression of life that will inspire and endure unless we once again screw it up.

To save lives, we cannot be focusing on death. We must focus on life to experience life.

Eat Move Live

What are you eating? How do you honor your body with food? I am not a nutritionist or dietitian, but it's not difficult to eat healthy foods if you truly want to. Again it's a choice. Our contribution to ourselves, contributes to each other and to the earth. Eating carelessly, contributes to getting sick or down regulating your body to the susceptibility of becoming ill. In becoming ill you become someone else's responsibility and this inefficiency has an effect on others and the resources used to keep you alive. We are all responsible for making better choices.

Eat healthy foods and cut out sugar from your diet. Carbohydrates (sugar) are pro inflammatory and create a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. It down-regulates the immune system, inviting viruses to replicate and cause havoc. Honor your body, eat well and supplement yourself with the needed vitamins that may be lacking in your diet. Do your research, speak to your nutritionist or dietitian.

90 percent of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine. Dr Roger Sperry

Are you moving enough? With the pandemic lockdown, people may not be moving enough. A lot of them were not moving much before, so even worse now.

If you are not moving your body, you are not exercising your brain and without your brain getting nutrition and stimulation, soon the brain and body function depletes. One is responsible for the function of the other. So get up! Get on Youtube and subscribe to the many free exercise programs. Do something for your future body now.

The Evolution of We

No more are we victims of circumstance as we know better, so we do better.

You are empowered to control your genes and thus your body and its well-being by the power of your consciousness within. See then the reflection of it in your environment and your function. The answers we seek are already inside of us. You have the power to think right, eat right, move right, rest well and inspire someone else to do the same.

It is from this healthy community of our human cells that we can learn and express in the outward community, because the technology inside us is greater than the technology outside, and the technology outside mimmicks the brilliance of you and me at our best, and still is not as brilliant as our true selves.

We can hear the call of our garden asking for our support less we perish. Let us learn again to forgive, let us nourish each other, lets give more kindness, lets reach out to our brothers and sisters of the earth with loving deeds. Lets raise our vibrations above fear, by looking at the things that make us joyful, even within this crisis, there is much to be thankful for. Let's feed the beauty and turn away from the drama and the fear.

If you are active on the front line of this pandemic, your willingness to serve and be supportive to a cause, is already fueled with the vibrations of love and healing. There is still much room to find appreciation and grace. Abide within this consciousness. nurture yourselves and breathe, continue to fill yourselves up, so you will not be depleted. Eat well, sleep well and love everyone in your care as your very own as they are your very own.

Give your energy to the healing and wellbeing of those in your care, do not give too much focus to the sickness, but give focus to the Life Force within every man, woman and child that needs to be elevated.

Love is the only healer. Forgiveness paves the way back to Love. Stay safe and let your loving vibrations take you over and spill over to everyone in this beautiful earth community.

Heaven is here on Earth, We were born in heaven. It is up to us to discover it.

By Thashna

Freedom explorer, Eleutheromaniac and Soul liberator

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