The Whole World Is Inside You

2020 Guide to living a life of abundance with ease and contentment.

Many rivers to cross and every rock is an obstacle of purpose to get me there


What is your perception of the world? Is it good, or is it bad? Is it working in your favour? Are you happy with the way things are going? Is it beautiful? Is it ugly? Is it full of Love and much to be grateful for? Or is it filled with one stress after the other with little to be grateful for?

Your answers reflect everything about the quality of your life, your belief system and the way this new year will go for you. So look at your world, observe it. Feel the emotions of what you believe to be true about it.

These emotions you feel are the reasons for your happiness or the lack thereof. If you are perceiving a world of difficulty, struggle, hardship, etc, you are guaranteed to have that experience.

What you see around you is a reflection of your learned behaviours manifesting as your truth. After reading my blog 'Believing Magic' you will understand, that once we have programmed ourselves to a certain way of thinking, we will inevitably express the emotions associated with these thoughts.

The vibration of these said emotions are matched with similar life experiences resonating at the same frequency, confirming your beliefs. So yes, we will forever experience life the way we perceive it to be.

Let up a little on your beliefs if they are not bringing the joy and satisfaction you want and think another way. Find another perspective. How about thinking the way you wish things to be and believing this is possible for you?

Keep your attention on this new way until you start to make it real through the emotions of satisfaction that you feel. Give it some time till this new belief is wired, now observe the world around you. It WILL change to reflect the new belief system as new opportunities present themselves.

So, change your thoughts and emotions by finding something more pleasing to observe and the perception will change. Do this on a consistent basis, you will see that the world is what you make it and it does not make you unless you allow it to unconsciously. Wake up and start designing life the way you want it.


Your heart is your creative magnetic centre. It’s where we generate high and low vibrating emotions

Creative Magnificence

Your heart is your creative magnetic centre. It’s where we generate high and low vibrating emotions, amplify them and send them to other parts of our body or out into the world and the universe to attract similar vibes back to us.

So if this is the energetic purpose of your heart centre, then the things you perceive and experience are the matching frequency of the emotional energy projected from your heart. It's called electromagnetic attraction.

I tried to explain this to someone recently. When we have a negative experience and continue to constantly talk about, relive, and emotionalize this event of negative and low energy, that energy will bring another similar event eventually, because of the vibration of the event being held in your attention and therefore in your heart. Your heart being the faithful magnet will draw to you the desires (that which you hold in your attention) of your heart.

We are created for creating (in the image of the creator) and expressing life abundantly. This creativity happens directly through our thoughts, emotions, and actions whether you are aware/conscious, of it, believe in it or not.

Of course, you did not stand in the way waiting and asking for the negative incident to happen, but the energy you created at some time before or around the time of the incident matched the energy/frequency of the incident. It could just as well be that you dropped your phone and it broke, or you burnt your arm on the iron, or you got some bad news. Energy is energy, negative or positive.

Energy is energy and if you maintain low energy of negativity, sadness, worry, doubt, shame, guilt, maliciousness, hate etc, the matching energy will find you in some way shape, or form because you are a magnet to them. Complaining will only bring you more to complain about. Start being grateful and see how things start to change for you.


When you look at a situation or a person and find discomfort in the observation of it/them, keep in mind, this is a reflection of something uncomfortable within you.

Your heart's desires are cultivated within

The mirror effect is another way to look at this. When you look at a situation or a person and find discomfort in the observation of it/them, keep in mind, this is a reflection of something uncomfortable within you. It may not be the same exact behaviour that you would portray but the unrest energy of judgement is the recognition of like energy within yourself. It would not bother you otherwise. You know that saying 'pointing a finger points 3 or 4 back at you'.

Every time you get into a situation that is good, the mirror is showing you that you are in good alignment within you and thus you are experiencing the goodness.

If you come up against something that is upsetting and annoying, ask yourself "Why is this bothering me?" "what is happening inside me, what am I believing that has attracted this situation?" the answer is inside of you and the situation is only mirroring this so you can do something about it and improve it, consequently creating a different reflection.

Jealousy for example is a mirror of insecurity/fear, anger is a mirror to fear, and happiness is a mirror to Love. Every time you feel the need to complain, blame, criticize, turn your nose up at, or judge someone else, turn that around as the mirror it is, and look at yourself as every situation is an opportunity for you to see yourself and the truth within you.

We are one, we are reflections of each other and we all have a duty to be inspired, to grow, and to inspire others to be the best version of themselves and be free. Not to judge and condemn, because in doing so you judge and condemn yourself and that is no way to treat yourself.

Give the gift of Love to others regardless of who they are. starting with opening your own heart and letting it overflow with compassion understanding, kindness, and Love.


Tree top view, a change of perspective.

Create the life you want to experience by changing the experience inside of you. Changing your perspective changes your vibrations, so hold higher vibrations in the intention of what you want.

When you are on the right lines, you will know, because strange things will start to occur such as synchronicities, coincidences, alignments, and flow of your desires. This is what life should be like.

Where you put your attention is where you put your creation. Observe the synchronicities and be grateful as you start vibrating as you should. Staying on the right frequency will get you where you want to get every time. Be relaxed about it and enjoy the journey.

Every problem has a solution, so there is no need to worry, stress or become distressed, just take a breath, relax your mind, put your hand on your heart and be calm, then solemnly ask within for the answer. Your entire world lies within and only you

have the control to reflect the best version for your enjoyment.

Love is not standing apart from you. This power that creates all things is within us all. Turn within and trust, and listen. The key is to be calm and trust.

Your change in perception and belief will soon be reflected in your outer world and all your dreams will be your reality. So dream big because there is nothing too great to achieve if you truly believe inside your heart where your entire world resides.

The power to create is knowing that everything you want or desire is already yours because you believe in the power of your dreams and your creative heart centre will always attract what you believe, so do it this year 2020.

Live Inside-Out

There are such high vibrations on this year, from a numerology standpoint and also from a generic image, sound, look, and ring of the numbers 20 20. Ride that high vibrational wave and use it to create your best year yet, staying in the up flow of Love, joy, peace, and abundance. Let contentment and gratitude keep you vibrating high and forever strengthened and sustained.

If the world you look at does not suit you, remember always, it is because the world inside of you needs your attention first. Take time to cultivate the soil of your heart.

Forgive what needs forgiving, that's usually yourself. Let go of what needs to be released. Walk away from what blocks your flow of Love and light. Check yourself and be careful of tricks of your ego telling you there is nothing wrong with you, it's everyone else. Finally, ask for help when you need to.

The fun is in the journey, smile and just keep climbing. The view will be worth it.

You got this, so go ahead. Move forward into the greatness you deserve and be the free extraordinary being you truly are.

To your greatest achievement, discovering you. With Love, from Love itself.

By Thashna

Freedom explorer, Eleutheromaniac, and Soul liberator

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