Conditions of Unconditional Love

Love is not just a feeling, it is an expression that flows without inhibitions from a place of security, gratitude and joy.This sacred place is within everyone

Those who do not Love themselves cannot truly give or show you Love. Cultivate your own and show them how


Love in any form is unconditional, anything less is something else. This Love is your individual responsibility to let shine, not anyone else’s. It’s inside of you and you must cultivate and bring it from the depths of your soul for yourself to be truly happy.

Then most importantly you must learn to open your heart to allow this Love you have brought up from inside to flow freely without expecting it to be reciprocated. In the expecting it back is the doubt that you deserve it or even have it yourself, which is confirmation that it is not believed or truly cultivated within you.

You cannot give what you don’t have. Relationships have taught me this much and I have had my share of them. Discovering my birthright of True Love and the freedom it brings, after many relationship lessons, I started my most important relationship of all, the amazing relationship with myself. I was intrigued and surprised and deeply I fell. Into a Love deep within.

Love has to flow to stay alive.

I fell in Love with life consciously and wanted to know more, to explore inside and out. I started travelling again but this time with my heart opening up to beauty, abundance, and adventure. I started making fun plans for the future, I changed my self-talk to life-giving words and elevate happy emotions. I created and opened a whole new bright and beautiful chapter of my life. I was spending time clearing, weeding, cleaning, pruning and sweeping away the unwanted contents of my body and mind. At the same time allowing the Divine energy of Love to inspire and guide me.

My heart was the greatest challenge to clear and open up and while it is still a work in progress, I am miles away from where I once was. The journey has been exquisite and quite entertaining.

The best relationships are born from the beauty of the one you have with yourself.

This morning I got up from doing two different types of meditations and as I woke, this is the blog I was inspired to write. For a few years I have been pursuing the knowledge and the knowing/experiencing of unconditional Love and though I have that Love with my daughter, when it came to others, my Love was deep but I could not say if it was unconditional. I wanted this unconditional Love to be the feeling I have for every living being and I wanted to become it.

So, my meditations have been targeting my heart, and anything that anchored or harboured fear within me, I intended to neutralize them. It’s incredible how fears and anxiety get hidden in the body. One minute you feel you got it sussed and then the next you are faced with a situation that brings the fears right up to the surface to rattle your cage and even trigger health problems you thought were resolved.

I know now that symptoms and signs of dysfunction, where and when they show up are my body's way of showing me that there is more clearing, weeding, and cleaning and sweeping to be done. The garden of the body is constant work. When you think you have gone deep, keep in mind that you probably have to go deeper still.

My Love was conditional because I thought love had conditions. I was wrong.

Deeper, was the feeling of wanting to let Love flow but not able to open up due to fear of past experiences. And in the moments that I did, if I didn’t feel the same coming from my relationships, I would shut down in protective mode.

Feelings of unworthiness was my program as a child and I carried this into most of my adulthood. Unloved, unworthy, stupid, simple, unsafe, and unattractive were the words and beliefs that were sitting deep inside and these were my core beliefs.

Being in relationships only magnified those things for me and therefore I constantly craved the assurance and the words of affirmation, the physical touch, the quality time, and the acts of service to feel worthy and thus believed that someone truly cared for me.

After much to-ing and fro-ing, I finally got it. Without the forgiveness of and the belief in my own self that, I was worthy and that I was the product of true Love, and without believing this in my core, the effects of any loving actions by anything or anyone outside of myself were going to be only temporary.

I was attracting those that allowed me to feel the way I felt about myself because that was my vibration. So my relationships were perfect really for the vibrations I was giving off. Oh the irony and the ignorance at the time. I had to learn the hard way. I needed to change my vibes and listen to my inner being. I had to rewrite the program. So, I did.

Relationships are really a challenge for one’s own growth. Choose carefully the one that will bring the most acceptance and elevation in self-Love. The one that knows how to go within and is not afraid to prune, clean, weed, clear, and sweep with you. The one who is open to communicating the journey with you. The one in pursuit of unconditional Love within him, her, or themselves. The key point to remember though, is that, to find or have this person, you must first be that person.

So, the person you will attract is you.

Do you Love you unconditionally?  Are you willing to Love and nurture yourself to the best expression of you. Are you willing to show yourself a good time, be kind, thoughtful to you? And are you willing to clean and clear, weed and prune and sweep away that which does not serve you regularly? Are you willing to communicate with your Being and keep check you are fulfilling your purpose in each moment?

Are you willing to embrace vulnerabilities and feed them with unconditional Love from a heart wide open? Only in being that person can you attract what or who you want to share these qualities with. It’s all energy. When two people of the same Loving vibration come together, the result is fun, peace, flow, grace and everything of a Loving nature.

Unconditional Love is not only your birth right. it is your true self. Claim it back.

Love is the energy of completeness within you, the want for nothing outside of you to deem you worthy of beauty, joy, and grace because these flow from within.

Unconditional Love starts with recognizing the unconditional Love from which you came, that you are made of, that is at your core and every inch of your design reflects it.

Any feeling less than this causes discomfort, disrepair, dysfunction, discontentment, and disease, whether you are aware of it or not, because this is not the true you. This is the reason I harp on about raising vibrations because Love exists at a really high vibrational frequency and Love alone heals all.

Lotions and potions have their place but their results are temporary diversions till another symptom appears to reveal the dysfunction. Every ill health and symptom in the body is a response to the lack of Love, the lack of order, the lack of freedom, the lack of forgiveness, the lack of harmony, the lack of awareness, you get the picture.

We were created from total Love and the world and its so-called ideals have led us down a dark place full of low vibrating pseudo-satisfaction in more stuff outside of us and more status which generates anxiety and contracted hearts, which buries our true nature of unconditional Love and fills us with unhealthy pride and unforgiveness, lowering us to greed, hate, malice, unkindness, sickness, worry, stress, and being blinded to who we truly are.

Beware of pseudo-love, it’s quick and flaky and soon bites.

Think about it, have you gone through a day without you or someone else expressing how stressful life is? Well, life is stressful if you see it that way for sure. However, it does not have to be. Relationships whether romantic, family, friend, or acquaintances, do not have to be hard if you have the most primary relationship in order and that is the relationship with yourself.

Learn to Love unconditionally. This is the responsibility of each human being. It does not mean to become a pushover, but to know yourself and allow the grace of your true being within to do the right thing for one and all, and being guided by Love, allow each soul to walk its path.

Love is a well of bright and eternal joy bubbling, and when nurtured will bubble over the edges of the well of your heart to touch, heal and inspire those in its path and wake.

Be the change you want to see in the world and the world will change. Pointing at someone else’s behaviour is pointing at the reflection of your own behaviour. So, observe the pure inside yourself first by discovering your truth. Your light will consequently shine for you to feel and see your way, then you will see the pure in others and be primed and illuminated as an inspired guide and teacher to your fellow brothers and sisters of this beautiful earth where we live for now.

Love is a well of bright and eternal joy bubbling, and when nurtured will bubble over the edges of the well of your heart to touch, heal and inspire those in its path and wake.

It’s hard for some to think they can do all this but, trust your instincts. If you couldn’t do it, you would not be getting the urges of change and evolution in this direction. You are reading this because there is a message here for you.

Take the first step and the second will appear and so on. Open up to the unknown, it’s where your treasures are. Meditate and get over the illusion of you to find the unconditionally Loving true you. When you do, you will see that you knew it all along as it was only buried and now revealed. You will dance at your newly discovered brilliance and your life will reflect just that, pure brilliance.

Every and any happy relationship needs Love in order to survive, Unconditional Love in which to thrive and be free on every level and in every aspect of our lives.

Love openly, fully and freely . It is your only responsibility.

So, Love openly, fully, and freely because what we give freely and fully we shall surely receive and we need not look for it outside, because there is so much of it inside us. With a heart flowing with Love, there is life of great joy and purpose.

By Thashna

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of yourself at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks….

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The Whole World Is Inside You


Good Vibes, Good Lives