Good Vibes, Good Lives

Vibrate Higher

Thashna at Crantock, Cornwall UK. Feel your power being a part of it all.

All things vibrate, all things take different feels, shapes, sounds, smells, and tastes due to the differences in their vibrations. Even the very air is filled with a range of varying vibrational frequencies. Thoughts are vibrations, feelings are also vibrations. To wrap my head around this I had to go back to the common factor within all things living and none living. All are made up of atoms. The atom is made up of 99.99999 percent energy and 0.00001 percent matter (physical things). What does that mean? It means that we are 99.99999 percent energy and the rest is matter like everything in the known universe vibrating different frequencies to produce our environment.

We tend to only focus on the tiny matter parts of ourselves because we can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear them and are unaware of the vast potential we have and we are, being able to create and shape things with our extraordinary minds by changing energy. How can you tap into the 99.99999 percent of our energy being?

Thashna at Poly Joke Beach. Stunning view, lifts, resonates and elevates.

Think well, feel well. Get conscious and deliberate about cleaning up our thoughts and the power we have when using them. Use words wisely as when you speak them, they vibrate out into the universe and carry a frequency of whatever you ‘spoke out’ back to you due to the emotions generated behind the speaking of them. Your emotions create your energy.

Think a different more positive and expansive thought, speak empowering and inspiring words, and feel good. Make others feel good and build the electromagnetic field around you of all you want to attract in your life. Be the change you want. Create something amazing with this power you hold and do not take it for granted or waste it creating the drama and lacks you don’t actually want which uses the same method and energy to create.

Foods we put inside our bodies also have specific vibrational frequencies, therefore, to support vibrating higher, we must eat foods of high vibration. Foods that are fresh and full of life such as fresh, live, and organic foods. Whole food and foods free from genetic modifications, full of the nutrients needed to maintain high vibrations, leaving us feeling alive, bright, vibrant, and healthy. We are live beings and we are what we eat. So the fresher is the most live and will reflect just that in our bodies and in our energy field.

Surroundings. What are you exposing your mind and body to? The grace and positivity we expose ourselves to have a way of affecting us through energetic osmosis. St Paul said, "Evil communication corrupts good manners". Regardless of how strong we feel we are, it is important to spend time in the high vibration of high vibing company.

If you cannot bring the light you will be drawn to the darkness. Vibrate so high that you become an inspiration by bringing light to those who are seeking to shine brighter. This is our responsibility and never a chore when we share the light we have come to know and experience. We cannot hide our light because we do not know how the exposure of our light to the world will affect those around us.

Thashna near Holywell, Cornwall UK. The closer to nature the higher the vibration. Love is everywhere.

Surroundings and vibrations also include your home, place of work. The places we spend most of our days should reflect high vibration. Clutter is conspiracy against clarity. This is my personal opinion, and I am sure there are many that will agree with me that when our space is overwhelmed with clutter, disorganization, and mess, this is often a reflection of a dis-organized mind and has a feedback loop of feeling chaotic and confused, promoting procrastination and feelings of much lower vibrations.

Our inner vibrations reflect matching frequencies outside of us. Integrity is created from a mind that is clear, positive, gracious, and luminous. It comes from a secure knowing and trust in one’s core essence with general respect for another’s choices. Knowing ourselves and resting in the security of the vibration that gives us our highest and most expansive self is living life fully.

We each have this powerful potential because we all have this field around us and in us and are a part of the greater field, the field from which we have all been launched to make manifest the light and dynamic expression of life on earth. Some of us are aware, and conscious and do the work to stay connected (higher vibrations/strengthens us) while others are asleep and unconscious, and living in survival (lower vibrations/weakens us).

Take a look at the Map of the Consciousness. where are you calibrating right about now based on your primary emotions? Most of the human consciousness today is tossing back and forth between 10 to 200. Thankfully the ones vibrating higher balance the scales somewhat, hence we are all still here. I won’t go into the details, but as you can see, aiming to sustain our vibrations about and above the 200 mark will make us strong on so many levels which will inspire, illuminate and transform us and the lives of those around us.

A limited set of parameters of consciousness calibrated from 1-1000 (logarithm to the base 10) of the power of the respective fields. From book by David Hawkins, Power vs Force

We are the powerhouse of the earth which raises and lowers its energy. We are the only ones who can raise its vibration, to heal, and allow elevation now and into the future. We all have a responsibility to learn how and to carry out this creative power with dignity and perseverance.

All the love and the beauty and the grace, abundance, peace, and joy, all the good things we resonate with all vibrate at a higher frequency than despondence, hopelessness, depression, want, anger, guilt, etc. When we open our eyes finally and see within who we truly are and begin to radiate Love, our true essence, only then will we experience our greatest, most beautiful, and enriched lives.

Here's to vibrating higher!

Thashna near Holywell, Cornwall UK. Go where the good vibrations are

By Thashna

Thinker, Entrepreneur, Eleutheromaniac, and Freedom Finder

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of yourself at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks….

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