Fun From Valley To Mountain Top

Thashna on Vixen Tor. Dartmoor UK

Life is Love

Life in the valley is perceived as hard, rough, and some feel they just can’t go on. But how can some who exist in the valley be satisfied while smiling through it and still be grateful where they exist, while others refuse or contract in fear to the point of a nervous breakdown and sometimes worse?

If life is a test, then I would agree life is hard and perishing for some. Survival of the fittest and all. Imagine though that life is not a test but a journey, an adventure, an opportunity to discover the best version of ourselves and express it fully whilst inspiring someone else to do the same. Would this inspire purpose within you to get up every day and live your fullest life?

A seed germinates from the dark cold earth and survives the patience of nature’s processes. Though the ground offers resistance, the intense dance of the stalk and the dirt particles is strong and harmonious to bring life from a dark cold place of seeming struggle to a place of freedom, light, and inspiration. The relationship is deep and nurturing, one of security, strength, and deep intrinsic growth. Though the branches of the tree reach high and wide, they glean their strength and inspiration from the roots which hold the wisdom for its expression.

What about your life? Do you think you are so despised by nature that you would not be buried in the soil that holds your nourishment for an exquisite life? Look at your life the way it was meant for you. Your opportunity to create, build, shine, and inspire. The so-called ‘hard times’ are the best things that will happen to you if you see the golden lessons and treasures they bring. Then you will know the wisdom to own any crisis and swim through any storm and dance in the rain and know the sun still shines regardless of the story you tell yourself. There are no bad times, only growth times. Revel in the soil of your growth.

There are no bad times, only growth times

Thashna at Kingston, Devon UK

Look back at your life. Do you feel regret? Feeling regret anchors you to the energy of regret. Why would you want to anchor yourself in a place you should have taken a lesson from and moved on? Do you know what happens to anything stagnant? Movement is the energy that gives and perpetuates life.

The lack of movement and evolvement manifests depression sadness and death. We as human beings -and all life organisms need a certain amount of movement to vibrate at the frequency of life. When we slow down, our body supports that and slows down with us. When we move vibrantly, live fully, exercise regularly, filling our lives with vibrance and love, our bodies and minds do the same.

Anchoring your life with shame, regret, malice, fear, and such the like will slowly take from you all that is lovely, creative, and inspiring. When you rob yourself of your true beauty, you also rob humanity of your contribution to its evolution. It’s time to let go and step into the possibilities of your freedom and the responsibility of your purpose.

Let go and fly

Let go of the things that no longer serve you. How? Just LET GO. Say, I choose to let go of all negative and harmful vibrations as they can only harm me and no one else. I choose to no longer allow negative situations or people to have a negative effect on me. Instead, I will rise to a higher vibration and allow each soul to walk its path while I choose a better and more loving path for myself.

 I release myself from the head-space of lack and neediness. I allow myself to choose another path that will challenge me, and as I persevere, I will evolve into a better version of myself, happy, fulfilled, and exuding inspiration. I let go now. Pruning always allows for beautiful new growth. Let the dead leaves fall.

Thashna, Exeter UK. Let the dead leaves fall...Rumi

Easier said than done

Everything worth doing always begins with the first step, then the next, then the next, and so on. It’s easier done than said when you take your limitations of ‘I can’t, ‘I am trying’ or whatever distractions you allow yourself to embrace. Get out of your way, you are stronger than your trials and woes and much more powerful when you set your dreams up on a pedestal in every moment and live the excitement of their achievement through inspired action. What we practice we become.

Start where you are at and repeat without pause, before you know it you will be someone else. Because your entire being is vibrating at the frequency of your dreams, quite different from the despondent, depressed, pessimist that once was. Meet your dreams in optimal vibrations and they must come true. Close your eyes and dream…Now look at you, you are that someone you often dream of and are proud now to see you are the bold, beautiful creator of all things, only this time you chose to create the good stuff, because you chose to be a different person.

Image by dae jeung kim from Pixabay

Flowers are the inspiration of plants and their growth inspired by the earth. We humans are the same.

The mountaintop in the valley

Observe the process in the valley the undulating plains of life, the soil heavy with moisture, the distant skies daring you to dream. This is where we establish our roots for superb growth to excellence, joy, and unlimited freedom. What is your perception when life knocks you into the valley? Do you whine, moan, cry, and miss the most important place of your strength and wisdom? Trust these humble beginnings.

The moments you feel are challenging and inconvenient are your moments of power where you should get close and personal with your Inner Being. Embrace and for goodness sake, rename the struggle. Call it ‘your road to your best self’. It’s time to elevate your emotions and your being higher than the situation you face. Gratitude will get you there fast because there is always a multitude of things to be grateful for as long as there is life in your body and they always make you feel good. Good vibes create good lives.

Stop moaning and start appreciating. Let’s start with giving thanks for the experience of life. Because you are not perceiving it as wonderful, does not mean it is not. Change your perception, change your vibes, and watch the wonderful come around.

Releasing discord and feeling peace

You must actively seek peace, joy, and contentment within before you can expect it to be in your life. No one is going to come bringing these gifts in a place where there is anger, malice, and misery. First let go of the discord by replacing it with forgiveness of yourself, because no one can hold you guilty but you. So forgive yourself and let’s go.

Allow the loving nature of life into your heart, through meditation. Then practice happiness by celebrating all the lovely things around you big and small.

This as I said is an active process, so if you truly want it, you will have to be conscious about doing what it takes, and it takes inspiration and action.

Finding freedom everywhere

Soak in the wisdom of the valley’s nourishment. Deepen your roots and feel the challenges of life preparing you for your greatest self. Rise from the mire and breathe. Climb up and praise how far you have come.

Thashna at Hollywell, Cornwall UK

Hold on to the side of the mountain and feel your will in the thrill ofthe climb. Open your heart and let Love guide you to more of Itself.

Revel in the wind blowing, keeping you cool, also challenging and strengthening your roots and branches. The sun warms and energizes, while your growth surges. Prune away that which does not serve you regularly and with Love. The rain comes to nourish and soothe your parched leaves and stimulate new growth. You know to be grateful in these wet times of splendid purpose.

Enjoy the climb to the mountain top, this is your dream, let it smile you and boost you. You need nothing outside of yourself to bring you joy, cultivate it from above-down and inside-out. Clear your energy centres and allow the free-flowing creative energy of Love and its guidance to light and illuminate your path. Everything outside of you is counting on you on this journey to the mountaintop, so you can inspire them on their own journey.

Thashna at Rame Head. Cornwall UK

By Thashna

Thinker, Entrepreneur, Eleutheromaniac and Freedom Finder.

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks….

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Good Vibes, Good Lives


Belief and Subconscious Mind