TWLT Blog Posts
Stress Less - Live More
Good Vibes, Good Lives
Think well, feel well. Get conscious and deliberate about cleaning up our thoughts and the power we have when using them. Use words wisely as when you speak them, they vibrate out into the universe and carry a frequency of whatever you ‘spoke out’ back to you due to the emotions generated behind the speaking of them. Your emotions create your energy.
Fun From Valley To Mountain Top
If life is a test, then I would agree life is hard and perishing for some. Survival of the fittest and all. Imagine though that life is not a test but a journey, an adventure, an opportunity to discover the best version of ourselves and express it fully whilst inspiring someone else to the same. Would this inspire purpose within you to get up everyday and live your fullest life?
Loving and Living Inside your Comfort Zone
I love the thought of being in my comfort zone, but I keep hearing and reading that it's not a good place if you want to succeed. Well, why not?! Why make and call it comfortable if we are not to enjoy it? Does comfort have more meanings than one? I believe a beautiful and yummy word such as 'comfort' has taken on negative impressions and has been corrupted and its time we take it back to the bright side where it belongs.