6 Questions To Ask Yourself When Pursuing Your Dreams

What is your dream? Do you want to start your dreams off on the right foot or give your vision a jumpstart? Start by writing down your goals and use the following questions to guide you and take you with grace and speed to your dreams.

Pursuing your dreams can be both exciting and challenging. It requires passion and inspired action, and a willingness to jump at the right opportunities. However, before embarking on your dream pursuit, it's important to ask yourself some questions to ensure that you're on the right track. In this blog post, we'll explore six questions to ask yourself when pursuing your dreams.

1. What is/are my dream/s, and why do I want to pursue it?

The first question to ask yourself when pursuing your dreams is to identify what your dream actually is. Is it to start your own business, travel the world, or become a professional musician? Once you have identified your dreams, you need to ask yourself why you want to pursue them. Is it because you are passionate about them, or because you want to prove something to yourself or others? Understanding your motivations for pursuing your dreams will help you stay focused and committed when faced with challenges. The more passion involved in chasing your dreams, the more likely you are to be successful in attaining them. Create a compelling future to give yourself the fuel you need to take you to your dreams. Nothing can stop you when your reason for going after your dreams is felt deeply and the cost of not having them causes you pain. So what is your why?

2. What's your highest priority in this lifetime?

What is most important for you to experience, explore, embrace, and contribute in your life? What fills you with joy and passion that you want everyone to know it too? Until you answer these questions, your life goals will be off-purpose. Until you discover your purpose and align it with your inner self, your intentions will lack the power to attract the right people and situations and the drive necessary to become a reality.

 Get clued into your true joy. Spend some time exploring this. What activities did you enjoy as a child? What are your hobbies now? What lights you up inside and makes you want to do it over and over and you want others to know and get involved as well? When your goals are aligned with your joy, your soul is free to play, so synchronicity kicks in to guide you to the greatest version of yourself; the life you were born to live.


2. Is this your dream, or someone else's?

Are your goals your own choice, or are they what others think you should strive for? You are unique and put on this planet for a unique reason. What works for some people may not be for you. Why not be your original and unique self and allow your inner being to guide you to where you need to be to shine and live your best life? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed YOUR passion and not someone else’s? I love this saying “We were all born with unique fingerprints that no one else has, so we can leave an imprint no one else can.”

You may hear people call others selfish when they are focused on improving themselves and chasing after their dreams. Those that make these complaints are usually those who are too scared to find and follow their own dreams and they don’t want the dream seekers to leave them behind in their fears and limitations. Is it selfish to go after your own dreams? What joy can you give to others if you haven't given joy to yourself first? You cannot give what you don’t already have.

We all have our path to take and if we get to the end of our life not walking the path, regret, and bitterness are the results. That is no way to leave your mark on the world. My grandmother use to tell me to leave people better than I found them. So it is my advice to you to leave the world better than you found it. The only sure way of doing that is to do what you came here to do and that is to fulfill your purpose by living your best life.


3. Are you settling for less than?

Are you resigned to accepting less than your full share of love, health, success, and happiness in this lifetime? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream? Now is a good time to stop and have a ponder. It shouldn’t take long to find out how you feel about your life right now. Is there discord in your solar plexus? Do you resist reading more because you feel some deep truth to what you are reading? Whenever you feel discomfort from thinking about anything, that is your inner self/soul telling you that you are off track from your purpose.

Some people wash this down with substances, some with music, never allowing themselves to be alone with their inner being. When you are aligned with your purpose, life feels good. If you want your life to be one of ease and grace, you will need to take heed of the discord you are feeling and work out why you feel it. It is your guide, telling you that you are not living your best life and need to get back on the path.

Your inner being will never allow you to settle for less than you are. So even if you have all the money in the world, if you don’t have love and peace, you are not living your best life and you will feel this regardless of how many toys you buy to fill the void.

Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy.


4. What will it feel like when you reach your dream?

 Get present with yourself and breathe. In this space of relaxation, close your eyes to shut out distractions and go within for a moment. Personal passion fuels a vision, so having discovered your passion, create images of it in your mind. See the life you want and live in the future in the present moment. Feel the feelings of each encounter. Dive into the thrill and exhilaration of the feeling of living your dream.

The Hawaiian Kahuna says, "Where your creative attention flows, so flows your life." So create your life here, as in the present moment is where we create all the outcomes we want. The outcome of your life right now was created by you based on your choices, your limitations, your thoughts, and your actions. The energy of every thought consciously or unconsciously is designing your life. So in this space of silence, as you go within yourself, consciously and deliberately set your intentions to the dream you want to achieve.

Most people let life take them wherever it does because they are not consciously creating life the way they want it. They get turned around and around on this wheel of struggle and heartache complaining that life is hard and against them. It does not have to be like this. If only they understood the laws of cause and effect and the law of attraction. Simply put, what you focus on, you get more of. I mean laser focus with the feelings of the outcome strong and unshakeable. Do this well and see your dreams race towards you. Repeat until you are feeling the realness of the dream. The stronger the belief in the dream, the easier the manifestation.

This is your dream, so make it what you want. There are no limits.


5. Take inspired actions toward your dream?

Don't defer your dream. Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate your intentions into action. Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision.

Getting within and visualising the dream daily is a must-do. It is a dream so it must be dreamt. Your subconscious mind needs to be programmed to deliver you the opportunities of your dream, so repetition will make this happen. I meditate every day to reprogram unwanted behaviours or to set new intentions, strengthen old intentions, or to calm my mind and heal my body. Your inner being already knows how to get you to what you need, you only need to get still and dream and act on any inspired opportunities aligned with your passion and purpose and keep your energy high.

Are there smaller projects that lead to your larger dream that you can begin to implement now? For example, if the dream is to run a marathon, visualise it, then start by training going for regular runs around your neighbourhood, then increase the mileage, then enroll in a local fun-run until you are there. Measure your progress and celebrate.


6. Are you telling yourself: "I CAN/WILL have my dream?"

Most people don't believe they can live their dream. Either their belief system has them believing they can't make a living doing what they love, or, dreams require too much hard work, or they feel they don't deserve their dream. To avoid the pain of feeling they can't have their dream, people often keep their dream so buried they can't remember they ever had a dream.

Are you going to allow the fears and insecurities you feel to hold you back from the path you are meant to travel? Are you really going to talk yourself out of it because you are worried about what others may think? Will you regret having "played it safe or not played at all?" I can understand. However, I can’t not help to guide you away from these fears. I have been there and kept myself stuck going nowhere. I spent most of my life working on someone else’s dream.

After 20 years, there was nothing to show for it. I was tired, in pain and still directionless. Once I learned how to release the fears, the clarity followed. My passions were allowed out and the opportunities also chased me. Now after years of training and helping others, I can sum it all up into one hyphenated word. SELF-BELIEF. This is what holds most people back from where they truly belong.

Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy’s (TWLT’s) passion and focus are on helping individuals break free from a lack of self-belief to restore clarity and security in the power of their dreams.

Book Your Free Discovery Call with us to find out what lies between you and your passion. We will help you transform into the life of your dreams.

Everyone has a dream! And everyone has a purpose to fulfill. What is it costing you not to explore your best life?


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