Anxiety and How to Release It


Anxiety. That feeling of worry, of a million thoughts running through your head, of feeling nervous or uneasy, of your heart beating fast, and being unable to turn your thoughts off. We’ve all experienced anxiety at some stage in our lives; however, many of us experience it far more frequently in our everyday lives. For those who suffer from this, it can be all-encompassing and incredibly debilitating.

Anxiety symptoms can be physical and mental and include the following.

  • Racing heartbeat

  • Headaches

  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded

  • Chest pains

  • Sweating

  • Feeling breathless

  • Feeling hot

  • Shaking

  • Loss of appetite

  • Feeling nervous or tense

  • Being unable to relax

  • Being unable to stop worrying about the past or future

  • Fear of the worst happening

  • Obsessive thoughts you can’t switch off

  • Insomnia

  • Being unable to concentrate

  • Compulsive behaviour, such as constantly checking things

If you suffer from anxiety, there are several things you can do to help alleviate the feelings and live a calmer, more peaceful life.


Ask Yourself a Question

The next time you notice yourself worrying about something and being unable to stop thinking about it, ask yourself this simple question.

“How likely is it (on a scale of 1 to 10) that the thing I’m worried about will happen?”

Often, many people worry and are anxious about things that are unlikely to happen. By asking this question, you can determine whether your anxious thoughts are grounded or not.


Focus on Your Breath

If thoughts are running around and around in your head and you’re feeling increasingly anxious, focusing on your breathing can help.

When you notice yourself becoming anxious, stop for a moment, close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4 and exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Do this evenly and deeply for several breaths. While doing this, turn your attention to feeling your  belly and chest rise and fall as you breathe and keep focus on your breathing. Focus on the feel of the air as it flows through your nostrils all the way to into your lungs and out again. Each time you exhale, let you mind and body let go and relax. Continue to do this focused breathing for 5-10 mins.

Doing this allows your nervous system to calm down. Changing the rhythm of your breath sends signals to your brain to stimulate your parasympathetic system which slows your heart rate down and slows your brain waves down to a state of relaxation, calm and clarity. 

Get this book to change the way anxiety affects you.

Understand why you have anxiety, what its purpose is and how to rid yourself of it for good. I wrote this book to support anyone with anxiety though it is dedicated to teens. Anxiety gets triggered in a myriad of ways from social situations to anxiety about a health condition, however, the symptoms and how to deal with them remain constant. This book uses friendly language to help you understand your behaviours and is packed full of tools to help you free yourself naturally to a calm, loving and peaceful state in any situation.

Share Your Thoughts with a Therapist

Talking to someone about your anxious thoughts can make a huge difference in how you feel, as your quality of life directly relates to your anxiety levels. A therapist can help you put things into perspective, ease your anxious thoughts and help you live a calmer life. At Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT), we specialise in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), which gets straight to the root of the problem and gives you instant and lasting results.


If you’re ready to start living a life that isn’t crippled by anxiety, We are here to help. Click the button below to book your free, no-obligation call to get started on your journey.


Breathe to Thrive


How The Thoughts and Pictures in Your Mind Determine Your Life