The Heart
Your heart is your creative magnetic centre. It’s where we generate high and low vibrating emotions, amplify them and send them to other parts of our body or out into the world and the universe to attract similar vibes back to us.
So if this is the energetic purpose of your heart centre, then the things you perceive and experience are the matching frequency of the emotional energy projected from our hearts. It's called electromagnetic attraction.
I tried explain this to someone recently. When we have a negative experience and continue to constantly talk about, reliving and emotionalizing this event of negative and low energy, that energy will bring another similar event eventually, because of the vibration of the event being held in your attention and therefore in your heart.
Your heart being the faithful magnet will draw to you the desires (that which you hold in your attention) of your heart.
We are created for creating (in the image of the creator) and expressing life abundantly. This creativity happens directly through our thoughts, emotions, and actions whether you are aware/conscious, of it, believe in it, or not.
Of course, you did not stand in the way waiting and asking for the negative incident to happen, but the energy you created at some time before or around the time of the incident matched the energy/frequency of the incident.
It could just as well be that you dropped your phone and it broke, or you burnt your arm on the iron, or you got some bad news. Energy is energy, negative or positive.
Energy is energy and if you maintain low energy of negativity, sadness, worry, doubt, shame, guilt, maliciousness, hate etc, the matching energy will find you in some way shape, or form because you are a magnet to them. Complaining will only bring you more to complain about. Start being grateful and see how things start to change for you.
Finding it difficult to think and feel the way you want to think and feel? This is because you have deep subconscious programs that need to be rewritten, reprogrammed, and changed to ones that serve you better. Book a Discovery call to find out more
By Thashna
🌟Increase mental clarity and creativity
🌟Increase openness to new ideas and opportunities
🌟Improves intuition
🌟Relieves stress
🌟Connects you to your manifestations