Staying Committed to Change

People who truly want change are active in the pursuit of that which will get them where they want to go and they never quit.

Hope is a beggar, to try is a lie, If you are trying to be a better person, hoping to be inspired to your great purpose. I will give you some honest advice, it’s not going to happen without you doing something. To create, we must actively do with intent for success before we can truly succeed. Trying anything out has the energy of hoping that it will work out, but it 'might' not, which cancels the very thing you want. When we truly are committed to achieving that which you want, we do not try it out, We do it!

So now you are ready to begin as you have made all the preparations for achieving your goal. You feel excited and warm inside. You feel proud and the enthusiasm is plenty and you can feel the success of your endeavors as if it was just around the corner. You put all your energy into it and the development is slow as you expected. The response to your letters and your posts is slow and sometimes there is no response at all. You know your ideas are good and you think of many other ways to market, to sell, to explain, to demonstrate. Why aren’t people jumping in at this brilliant creation?

Why is it that things you said you would not do anymore almost does itself to you? I am not going to eat some much bread anymore, then minutes later you have had 4 slices of bread with your vegetable soup. It was only yesterday you sat down and re-planned your diet because you wanted to detox and lose the weight you put on over the last few years.

My patients often asked me how I stay committed to my meditations daily, or why is it so hard to keep committed to the things that are good for us. This is a question that I wanted answering years ago. Why do we procrastinate? How can I follow through with the tasks and the to-do list and not get distracted along the way?

I know for sure not everyone can be classed as lazy, as some people want to succeed but are silently defeated by the electromagnetic forces that they themselves have created unconsciously.

Practice makes perfect is the saying, and yes that is true in every way. Practice anything and you will become good at it. Likewise if you practice staying committed, then you will get good at staying committed. Well..hmm, maybe... I think first you must have a passion for what you are practicing. Where there is a will there is always a way, that is the same as saying where there is passion there is the will, therefore there is a way, and procrastination and any other fear-based block cannot get in the way of passion.

So to answer the question of why we sabotage, well, one of the reasons is that the passion is not there.

So what about those who are passionate but still find that even with using all their energy to get the desired outcome, they still somehow run their ship into the rocks? They got things done but always seem to be off course, making bad decisions, forcing, pushing, or trying too hard. What is their problem?

Again energetically they are off course and need to figure out why is this so-called bad luck always on their tail. It really has nothing to do with bad luck though. It is a deep subconscious conditioning that they have that they reset to. For example; imagine a rich man was forced to give 50 percent of his wealth to a poor man. Within a year or two, the poor man would be poor again or even poorer, and the rich man would have made his money back and more. Why is this?

It’s because they both have a default system that they live their lives from. This default system is also called a mindset, or a subconscious programming or conditioning. The rich man has a rich mindset while the poor man has a poor mindset. To be able to stay committed then requires a strong purpose (passion) and the subconscious wiring that supports growth and expansion along the lines of that desire.

Subconscious programs mostly take a long time to rewire when doing it alone and if it’s done incorrectly can cause more harm than good. However, for fast results, people use various techniques. These include RTT Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis, Coaching, Meditation, Journaling, Visioning, Affirmations and so on. These all have varying degrees of time they take to work. It also depends on what works best for you and the level of your participation.

For results within 21 days, book a call with us to learn more.

By Dr Thashna


Emotions: Guide and Glory


The Heart