Emotions: Guide and Glory


We are here to explore, and rediscover love and express it. That's my opinion. When we lose our freedom to choose, we become unhappy. When we feel we are not loved, we become unhappy. These unhappy emotions give us the contrast we need to want the polar opposite so we can feel better.

Emotions, tell us when we go off track and likewise they tell us when we are on track with the things we want. Things that make you feel good are of higher vibrations and things that generate bad feelings are of low vibrations. Watch and listen to your emotions. They intuitively guide us away from harm and danger to joy and satisfaction.

No one can control your emotions. That is the only thing you have control of. Emotions are your superpower when you learn how to use them.

The chemicals of emotions regulate our bodies, protect us, and heal us when we get damaged. They do this in harmony and have a primary effect on our subconscious mind. We develop our personalities based on emotional experiences, good and bad. Your personality was programmed in your subconscious mind by the memories of past events from which you created some meaning(beliefs).

Painful meanings(beliefs) are programmed for our protection in case a similar event happens again later in life we remember how we reacted to the original event to stay safe, so we repeat the same behaviour. The more of these similar events we experience, the more the pattern is reinforced. So the more you focus on being happy, the happier you’ll become.

To put it another way. What you repeatedly do becomes hardwired and habitual. The body therefore becomes the mind for that specific task as you no longer have to think about it for the responses and reactions to take place because you have trained your body to do it within many experiences. Any more familiar experiences in the future will affect this same behaviour, which we deem a personality or a part of one’s identity.

However, there are some undesired emotional responses that arise within us that were programmed since childhood often or during a stressful event. For example, someone not liking peas because they choked on them once as a kid, so every time they see peas on their plate they contract and resist as if the experience is happening all over again. Another example is someone not liking people of a certain race, class, or social background because of stereotyping they observed as a child and learned discrimination.

What about someone disliking a country and its people because they had a bad experience there on holiday? I knew someone who hated all Italians due to a negative experience she had while in Italy on holiday. Crazy right? These emotional responses are based on perceptions, and perspectives, but are not necessarily the truth. After all, millions of people visit Italy and have a brilliant time and love it there. I sure have and looking forward to the next trip. Perceptions such as these negative ones often become limitations as the person hating all Italians has now shut herself down from experiencing so many possibilities to do with Italy, Italians, and all the culture and the beauty of the country to be had.

Imagine the freedom of allowing yourself to experience and have fun regardless of people and their behaviours, places and their intricacies, situations and their expressions. Why not observe, and have your opinion, but not allow the negative emotions to get so deep that they block you from potential exploration?

All situations are to teach us. It is not to teach us how to fear, contract, and shut down, but quite the opposite. Each challenge teaches us to be confident, brave, curious, adventurous, courteous, empowered, open, forgiving, loving, understanding, inspiring, and so on. We are meant to evolve and love everyone where they are at on their evolutionary journey and be the change we want to see in the world as Gandhi so eloquently put it.

I understand the frustration of wanting one thing but your emotions telling you another, like, “Don’t be ridiculous, you are not good enough to have that.” This, let me remind you is a program (a limiting belief) your subconscious mind is playing out. Don’t make it bad, instead be grateful that you recognized it, observe it, love on it, and then allow it to pass and you can create a different response and program over time.

To do so, we need to get the heart and lower energy centres (the subconscious mind) to respond to a different set of instructions so that when you think wealth, you feel wealth and believe wealth and therefore become wealth in all its forms. Make the energy of lack redundant now, because there is truly more than enough Joy, Peace, Happiness, Contentment, Love, and Abundance for all. When we really look around at nature and slow down and truly be in the moment, we step out of the competitive world to see life is not about hustling, it's about being in flow and your emotions are the key to getting you there.

Image by Comfreak on Pixabay


Emotions have a frequency of vibration. Happy good feeling emotions vibrate high, while the sad low feeling emotions vibrate low. Every good thing, happy, thing, rich and fulfilling thing you want vibrates at a high frequency. So your emotions will let you know when you are in alignment to attracting good into your life. Don't allow other people to steal your joy, because that will also steal the good of what you are trying to attract.

Love yourself enough to conserve your high energy vibrations by saying thank you and walk away from negative energy vampires that are looking to drain your energy to make themselves feel better. It's not your responsibility to give your energy away. It is your responsibility to keep it high as an example for others to be inspired. By all means, help guide others to the high energy for themselves, but do not give them yours. We all have the capacity to raise our vibes without taking from others.

Life will always challenge you, but how committed are you to live in love and grace? Practice keeping your focus on what lights you up inside and practice deep and profound gratitude all day long and every day. This will supercharge your vibes or recover them when they fall.

The brain does not know the difference between what it sees in real life and what it imagines. That means you may create your story, your life from the warmth and comfort of your home or anywhere you choose. You can travel all over the world and see marvellous places, you can have fun and laughter, you can learn to surf, you can fall in love, you can learn a new language, you can build or buy a new house, you can buy a new car, all in your mind and make it feel so real that the energy of the emotions and the thoughts involved will be off high vibes which will bring the good life to you through a series of opportunities, actions, surprises etc. Look out and be expectant and super grateful in all the emotions of the reality and the possibility.

So, be mindful of your emotions and the beliefs behind them when they are negative. Limiting beliefs will hinder you from becoming and achieving your highest potential. When beliefs are deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind, we often don't even know they are there limiting us. Take a look at your life and your primary emotion. If it less than awesome, you can get help from a mindset or transformational therapist or coach. Here at TWLT we help you relearn and reprogram for high vibing emotions and life.

Image by SpiritBunny on Pixabay

By Dr Thashna Walsh


Change Your Identity, Change Your Life


Staying Committed to Change