Change Your Identity, Change Your Life

Your reality is determined by what you are thinking and believing.

Do you do the same thing everyday expecting a different result?

Are you dating the same kind of person expecting to find unconditional love?

Are you going to the same job expecting to find security?

Are you eating the same foods expecting your health to improve?

Are you hanging with the same people expecting your behavior and situation to change?

Are you only hoping for the best instead of knowing all is well?

Life will take us around as many times to the same place to experience the same thing until we evolve to the better version of ourselves. Nothing will change if we don’t.

Your mind has been programmed and conditioned to behaving a certain way since you were a child. This is why you keep doing things the same way over and over. It's why we push change away subconsciously even when we consciously/intellectually want to change.

Making a decision without the will to carry it out or without conditioning yourself to a different way of behaving is really just you making a wish. Wishes need power to manifest into reality.

Will power (using conscious focus) will give you 5% success. Reconditioning and reprogramming the subconscious mind guarantees 95% success. This is simply how your brain works. When you want something bad enough, the cost/pain of not having it is too great for you not to do something about it. At least that’s what someone with healthy self-love (a subconscious program)experiences.This is because your natural instinct is to avoid pain and seek out pleasure.

So what is it you struggle with? Anxiety, Procrastination, Achieving Goals, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence, Fears and Phobias, Weight Management? What else? Are they painful or pleasurable? I am guessing painful. Why is it so difficult to shift then?

You will move and do what you have to do when you feel you are worth it and deserve it without anyone’s approval, unless you are being sabotaged by an unhealthy subconscious program.

Somewhere in your earlier years your subconscious mind recorded the experience of a stressful event and the response you used to achieve the feeling of safety. It recorded this memory for use in future stressful situations(because the response kept you safe/alive in the past, it will continue to use the same response moving forward). So the way most people dealt with stresses back then is the same way they deal with them now, even though they may not be intellectually sound.

So this automatic behaviour drives your outcome when you want to feel safe, such as when you overeat after a stressful event/experience even when you are trying to lose weight, or when you get anxious when intellectually you know there is nothing to fear but fear itself, somehow your heart still races as you feel out of control.

A program in your subconscious mind is overriding your true self and most people can feel it as they know deep down, there is more to their life than what they keep defaulting to. Some people work so hard for security only to find themselves still living in fear and lack. I use to be that person. Only in correcting this program will you overcome and achieve higher versions of yourself.

And whether you feel it or not now, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT AND YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU DREAM OF! If you don't believe this, that belief is a limiting one programmed long ago by some event, now you defeat yourself with that programmed story. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND FREE! Everyone does. The ones that step up and challenge their limiting beliefs are the ones that win.

Think of how this will change your life and the lives of those you are in contact with when you consistently follow through on your dreams, goals, desires etc.

Let us help you find your way back to Clarity and Self-Love.



Dr Thashna💜


Your Superpower Awaits


Emotions: Guide and Glory