Your Superpower Awaits

Do you feel stressed and worried and often like life is one big joke? You may feel the push and the pull and the heavy resistance within them when standing on the edge and inside challenges. You feel if you let go or jump you may get crushed or pulled apart. Is this what life is about? A constant push and pull? Is it going to be like this forever?

Must we work ourselves into oblivion to make ends meet and watch those we work for enjoy the fruits of our labour? Must we live in pain and suffering because that's all we deserve or because that's our lot in life? Must we struggle, fight and hussle to have some success, ease and peace?

A responding NO!

Any discord, dysfunction, stress, anxiety you feel is due to one thing. I have said this time and again but it doesn't seem to hit the majority of people any deeper that their minds will allow. That ONE thing is, YOU ARE DISCONNECTED FROM YOUR SOURCE.

What does that mean? It's like being disconnected from a water source in a desert, you are thirsty and soon you will start experiencing other symptoms that the lack of water brings. You eventually become dehydrated, suffering headaches, hallucinations and subsystems failure. Once the water source is found, you drink like there is no tomorrow and soon your body is restored to its normal functions.

That's exactly the same as being disconnected from Source. You don't have to believe in God to know that there is a higher power and we are all emanations of that power, however when we are misaligned or we turn away from the the power that created, feeds, nurtures and guides us, we are left feeling lost, and the pain of deprivation. WE ARE TURNING AWAY FROM LIFE

Get reconnected and see for yourself. Whatever you are running from will continue to run toward you, so why punish yourself further. Just stop! Take a breath. Take another deep conscious breath and be present to what your heart is saying to you now. Your mind will lie to you everytime until you have let go of anything that holds you distracted, anchored, misaligned, disoriented, lost. 95% of your mind is a set of old programs that will keep you where you are at. Only 5% of your mind has conscious control. Use it to CHOOSE LIFE.

The way back to Flow, Ease, Grace and Love starts within. This is where you get reconnected and reprogrammed. Drop down and give yourself the gift of discovering your true self, your Higher self. You are here for a specific purpose. A purpose that will fulfill you like nothing else can. Wouldn't you like to know what it is? Within is where you go to discover it.

Going within may sound daunting, scary and you may worry that you might get in and can't get out. To be honest, when you get in deep enough, you won't want to get out because it feels so good but you can't stay there unfortunately, your being will not allow it, you have a purpose to perform, a beautiful life to live. You can however stay as long as you like. 20 mins! 30mins, an hour, a few hours is all up to you. But practice makes perfect.

Keep going everyday intent on making the connection and letting go, surrendering all the heaviness from your mind and body at every level, every organ, every cell and feel the joy that springs up with each surrender.

Do this for 30 days and your entire life will change. Let go of the stress and heaviness, embrace ease, flow, love and gratitude.

It's like getting in the regeneration chamber. All your negative emotions will soften and the empowering ones will come up to the surface. Confidence with be yours, so will Clarity and a lightness as you move through life. You may feel a bit like you are floating on air and everything is going your way. Life will shift and the anxiety dissolved. You will love it and feel like you have come home. That's because you have.

Enjoy this 10 min free power boost on the house. 10 minutes of Power

Meditation: The very basics to your way home

Relax and surrender to your higher self and find your genius

  • Place and Posture:  This is vital, as the less distractions, the more likely for you to relax and enjoy the experience. Good posture is important too for the energy centers to be aligned to allow good flow of energy through you. So lovely straight spines please. Also I find once a comfortable space is found, closing the eyes really helps to put the mind and body in the right brain wave state for relaxing and getting deeper into your practice.

  • Time: You want to put aside enough time so you will not be rushed, as time does not exist in the world of your spirit and therefore they cannot coincide, thus again you wont want to be worried about the time. Relaxing and worrying are at two opposite ends of the spectrum, one lengthens time and one shortens it.

  • Breath: Energy flows through your breathing to stimulate light, newness and lightness within you. There are many different practices in breathing, but I wont go into them. Simply does it. Breathe long and deep. In through the nose and out through the mouth or in through the nose and out through the nose as the yogis do. Be sure to fill your lungs fully so the diaphragm pushes the belly down and out. Your shoulders should be relaxed at all times. Start with what is most comfortable for you. You can research further as you start to get deeper into it all.

  • Relax. Feel your body fill up with air, consciously following your breath. As you exhale, follow the breath all the way to the end and feel your body relax, let go of tension, let go of anything you are holding in your mind, throat, chest, arms, belly, pelvis, legs and feet. Work your way breathing through every part of your body and continue to let everything go and relax. Any noises, sounds, thoughts that come into your awareness, observe with no judgement and let it go and let your muscles loosen.

  • Surrender.

  • Linger:   Stay in this state of deep stillness and be in the blackness of nothingness, yet everything-ness of your spirit. This can be a little daunting if you have never done this before, but as you learn to relax into it, you will find a deeper level to yourself each time. It really depends on how much you want to and in the moment can manage to unfold. It will be difficult to stay in a state of lingering in this space if you are not practiced at this, but the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

  • Awareness: Be aware of the vastness of your spirit and let go into it. Feel any sensations that come, offer no judgement only observe from this space of love and let it go.

  • Create: While you are here, Set your intentions for the day you want to have, see it, feel it and you will live it. Set your intention for the year just the same. If there are any part of your personality you wish to change, acknowledge it here, then replace it with the preferred version of you. See it, feel into it and this will bring a sense of contentment. Be grateful for this new you and continue to linger here for a few minutes.

  • Come back: Whenever I say to my daughter, “I am going to go meditate”, she always replies, “Mommy, make sure you come back”! It makes me laugh each time, because she understands the awesomeness of my journey into the world of no-thing, no-place, no-one, no-body, just peace, love and pure connection to Source energy. Once you have spent the desired time in this space. Bring your awareness back to your fingers and toes and the rest of your body slowly.

  • Pay attention. It may have been a small change, but if you truly let go. You will feel different. More calm, peace and contentment throughout the day. In the repetition of this meditative exercise , you will begin your flow into the year in the path of least resistance, yet productive, focused and clear.

Silence is golden, is what they say. Yes it balances us from life on a hamster wheel and being on the go all the time. Take a little time out each day to tune in to your higher self and trust the process. Though there are no hard or fast rule about when to do this, I find the best time to do this practice is in the mornings to set myself up for the whole day.

Need more help with elevating your life to a higher and lighter path. Contact us for a chat about how we may help you. Book a free informal, no pressure call.

With Love Thashna.


The Power to All


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