Consciousness and Self-love

Consciousness and Self-love

Do you feel lost, irritable, uneasy and just have no direction or understand what life is all about? Do you just want to curl in bed and not have to deal with all the pressures of life? Do you feel like life is throwing you about and you have no control? Do you just want to feel good and stay that way for longer periods of time than you feel stressed and scared?

Well I know exactly how you feel. Often we hear people saying life is hard and I was one of those people and still even now sometimes when I am caught off guard I can find my world spinning out of control. So I get it, I understand. I feel you and I got you.

Life is meant for living in a beautiful way. You only need someone to hear you out, put it all into perspective, give you the right tools to turn things around and keep you on the path of ease, love and success in yourself, right?

In our journey through life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that shape our beliefs, behaviours, and self-perception. These experiences time from and lead to negative thought patterns of self-doubt, and a lack of self-love. However, there is a powerful therapeutic approach known as Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) which will help you navigate these barriers and encourage a deep sense of self-love and empowerment. By combining elements of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT, RTT guides individuals towards profound transformation and awakening of consciousness.


Unveiling the Power of RTT:

Rapid Transformational Therapy is designed to address the root causes of emotional and behavioural challenges. Unlike traditional therapy methods that may take years to show results, RTT offers a more efficient and focused approach by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. By accessing the deeper layers of our consciousness, RTT allows us to uncover and reframe negative beliefs, traumas, and experiences that may have hindered our ability to live life fully and happily.


The Subconscious Mind and Self-Love:

Our subconscious mind plays the role in shaping our lives as it is where our beliefs, habits, and perceptions of ourselves are stored. It is where our core programming resides, mostly established during early childhood. If these subconscious beliefs are rooted in self-doubt, self-criticism, or feelings of unworthiness, they will hinder our ability to truly love ourselves, be confident, and embrace our full potential. RTT acts as a powerful tool to reprogram these limiting beliefs, replacing them with powerful uplifting ones of peace, fun, and deep security in one’s self.


Exploring Past Experiences:

One of the key aspects of RTT involves exploring significant events or experiences from our past. It's a safe process that reviews the emotions as they are revealed. Under the guidance of a skilled RTT therapist, clients are guided into a relaxed state of mind where they can access and examine these memories from an open perspective. By understanding the root causes of our limiting beliefs or lack of self-love, we can easily release the negative emotions associated with them and create new positively charged narratives.


Reframing and Rewiring:

Once the underlying causes of our challenges are identified, RTT enables us to reframe and rewire our subconscious mind. Through a combination of techniques, including positive suggestion, visualization, and NLP, individuals can cultivate new thought patterns, beliefs, and habits that support self-love and personal growth. RTT empowers individuals to rewrite their stories, enabling them to embrace their worthiness, embrace self-worth, deservingness, and establish a deep sense of self-love.


Embracing Transformation:

The transformative effects of RTT extend far beyond the therapy sessions themselves. As individuals integrate their newfound beliefs and behaviours into their daily lives, they experience profound shifts in their consciousness. Self-love becomes a guiding principle, permeating every aspect of their being. They develop a deeper understanding of their own worth, cultivate healthier relationships, and pursue their dreams with confidence and resilience.


Consciousness and self-love are vastly intertwined, and RTT offers a powerful path to nurture both. By delving into our subconscious mind and reframing our beliefs, RTT empowers us to break free from self-limiting patterns and embrace self-love. Embark on your RTT journey with Dr Thashna Walsh today.


The Heart


Big up yourself and come alive