Big up yourself and come alive

Do you praise yourself? If yes, what are some of the things you say to yourself? If you don’t praise yourself, why not? Ask yourself, “why not?”

Most times we wait for others to give us the praise we deserve and often we never get it. We often tie our happiness to status and prestige but get let down when the external acknowledgment is not there. If we continue to wait for people around us to satisfy our needs such as praise, we will forever sell ourselves short.

As humans, we like to know we are doing well. However if the appreciation starts from within, no one can deny you the energy your self love generates. This energy is attractive and powerful. It pulls people in without effort. So love on yourself, praise yourself and your accomplishments big and small. You are a genius!

The most vital and important praise should come from within. Speak it out loud so you can hear it too. It’s no different to someone else saying it to you if you believe you deserve it. Besides why wait for someone to tell you when you can give to yourself too and without limits. Besides, no one can truly express what you feel you deserve like you can.

So build your energy, fuel your heart with joy, be grateful for the beautiful unique being that is you. Swell up with pride and resonate on the flow of all things wonderful, great and small. You are here with genuine and special part to play and you open everyday to playing it all the way.

So say it loud and say it clear!

“Well done me”.

“Congratulations to me”.

“I am freaking awesome”.

“I look amazing”.

“I am a genius”.

“That was very thoughtful of me”.

What are some things you know you should be saying to yourself or you wish to believe about yourself?

Even if it feels weird, say it out loud to yourself. It only sounds weird because it’s unfamiliar. Keep saying it and soon your subconscious mind will accept it and you will start walking with more confidence and happiness and deep love and appreciation for who you are as you make praising yourself familiar.

We have no trouble talking negatively about ourselves when something goes wrong or doesn’t go the way we planned. So why is there a problem bigging up yourself? In fact the more we elevate our wins, the more we win because energy flows where your intentions go.

Make searching for the good things about yourself a priority and acknowledge it to yourself so you can hear it.

So, go on.. say it!

“My life is fantastic and I am so grateful”.

“I am a bad ass”.

“I am so open and kind”.

“You go…”

“This outfit was made for me”.

“I am so good at that”.

“I am so fine who wouldn’t want the spend time with me”.

“I am so funny”.

“I am doing so well”.

“I can do this”.

“Oooohh, can’t touch this!” Hahaha. Have fun with it, have fun with you.

Some may think this is being conceited, but it’s not. This is having a healthy relationship with yourself and telling yourself that you are wonderful and you do wonderful things because you are and you do. This is between you and yourself and is one of the best thing and a great honor when you do it sincerely and playfully.

Big up yu-self!

I feel amazing 🤩


Book a Discovery call at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT) to break free of beliefs that keep you away from the wealth, success, happiness, love and wellbeing that you deserve.


Consciousness and Self-love


Relieving Stress and Anxiety