Stop! Think for your life!

Most people don't even know they need help. They are deep in the illusion of the matrix

We have been so brainwashed that we ignore the signs, the nudges, the calling, course correcting and often justify and defend our limitations.

I understand there are so many people trying to get your attention, including me writing this post. However, we need to sometimes stop and listen to the silent cries and whispers of your heart calling us out to allow it to heal and function fully again.

Do you ever find yourself rolling your eyes when you read something that impacts you but threatens to change your way of living right now, so you quickly dismiss, cast judgment, or pretend it's not there? You may even truly believe it is downright wrong. Could you be programmed to think this way? Is this resistance giving you a life of fulfilment?

Being truly honest with ourselves is a deep, heart-discerning act. But how many of us are truly connected to our hearts? 90% of people are not. This means 9 out of 10 people who read this blog post are disconnected from their true selves and will not even finish it because it unconsciously threatens their limited subconscious programming.

I mean no disrespect, however, I am writing this to disrupt your mundane, perfectly arranged life that your mind has put together so you can say you tick all the boxes that society, parents, spouses, media and friends have coached you into all of your life. You are running on a program. Is this the program you even want? Let me ask that a different way. If you knew you could have and be anything you want, is this the way you want your life to be? Or do you prefer to continue life the way someone else designed it for you, limited, stressful, overwhelming and tiring? I personally do not!

Some people feel the rain, others just get wet

- Bob Marley

Ask yourself the question: Do you truly feel freedom and deep unconditional love in your being, or are you boxed off and cocooned in a little protected world of competition, pretention, scarcity, pseudo-happiness, and fear while you watch the world and your life go by, hoping everything works out for you? That's not living, though, is it? That's surviving.

We are all the same you know, we are all brilliant spiritual beings, we are all geniuses, wealthy, healthy, loving beings. So why are most of us so cut off from these truths for ourselves?

Do you question your existence, or do you believe it shouldn't be questioned? If so why shouldn't it be questioned? Do you settle for life as it is when you yearn for more but feel there is nothing you can do? Do you covet your neighbour and fight against others in your mind and feel malice in your heart regularly? Do you hide behind religiosity because you don't know how to think for yourself, or have you been threatened with the wrath of God?

Do you fear speaking up for yourself and others? Do you practice loving every human being as yourself because they are you? Do you even practice loving yourself?

I am not trying to make you wrong; I only want to bring awareness to how we are wired to be and behave in separation and fear and how much healing we all have to do. This is our own individual responsibility, so why are we ignoring and resisting it? Why are you feeling uncomfortable with some of the things being mentioned here? If you were grounded in yourself, nothing here would bother you. So check yourselves, if it disturbed you, you need disturbing.

I have a practice that I do every time I get upset about anything. After I catch myself complaining, blaming or feeling bad and casting bad vibes at a situation or person (including myself), I question how I am to grow through it. It's what problems are, opportunities to, learn something new and to grow. I only over the last couple years started to embrace this mindset. It's one of the most liberating things I ever did. How many people do that though?

What you believe about yourself is your reality. Do you want to believe something different?

So you see, some of us know what we should be doing, but we ignore, pretend, hide, settle and hope someone else will take care of it or we argue and justify why we are the way we are as if we could never get better. Some of us are oblivious because we were not exposed to more elevated ways of using our mind to a more lifted and powerful way of life. And of course there are those who feel something need to change but they have no clue, where to begin. That was me years ago so I get it and help is here. If you are one of those who are curious enough to have got this far reading, you are on your journey to discovering so much more. Keep reading.

I want you to take this personally so you will allow your mind and heart to stretch and welcome more healing and expansion. Life is all about healing, growth, and discovering the wonderful treasures within ourselves. Don't miss yours by getting distracted and locked into the dogma and brainwashing. Heaven is right here on earth, and I can help you discover it.

If we don't evolve, we will keep coming right back to the same lessons (problems) till we get it right. Believe it or not, that's just facts. So why not allow your heart to open and fully heal, feel and evolve? We are all the same, on a journey of exploration and growth. Lift up your head, lift up your eyes. Start waking up to why you are really here and just how amazing your life really could, should and will be if you let it. It's up to you to learn how easy it is to receive this.

The universe is vast and you will only get to know it when you get to know who you really are, why you are here and how to navigate the vast plains of Love, Joy, Abundance, Peace, Healing, and Ascension waiting for you to embrace it.

Discover your power and focus on what truly matters. Where you focus is where you put your energy, and your energy is creative and conscious. The vibration (good or bad) that you impress on this consciousness will be your reality. So, create the wealth-conscious life you truly want and deserve by developing a wealthy consciousness. Forget the worry and the strife because you are more powerful than that.

I would love to help you on your path of self-discovery.

If you are truly and deeply happy in your life and others around you are happy, I salute you and wish you many more wholesome and happy years ahead. I am sure you are holding someone's hand and guiding them to the bliss you have found. Congratulations. Please let's collaborate; there are so many people who need help.

For the other 90% of you, there is no shame in asking for help. It's only a shame when help is here and you allow pride to have power over you, your life, and the lives of those around you. When you heal and grow, everyone around you is affected.

I invite you to Book A Free Ignition Coaching Call with me. Wherever you feel stuck, discombobulated, unsure, insecure, scared, or just need some answers. Let's have a chat.

The world is changing, and we need to be ready and grounded to stand strong and unshakeable as we enter a new age for humanity.


Transformationally Vulnerable


Many are called. You have been chosen.