Many are called. You have been chosen.

Why do we leave all the responsibilities to God when God has already given us the #Power!!

So you want wealth, good health, freedom, and ease?

Where is the #faith and the action on our part?? I had to really do some research on what it means to #believe, and it blew my mind the rabbit hole I fell into!! Talking about seeking and finding!! Like many I use to just use the words belief and faith without any real activity upon them. They are #action words people!! And in all cases it’s action that takes you to the prize and bring the prize to you. You get a big fat nothing without action.

However, the type of action I speak of is inspired and easy when you are in alignment with your dreams, goals and vision. Alignment relies on your beliefs that are true and deep in your subconscious. This is where healing must begin and meet freedom, good health, wealth and ease you are looking for.

What are you truly meaning and feeling when you say you BELIEVE?

Saying “I believe.” “I am trying”, “I hope so”, and all those deferred responsibility words and statements will never get you what you want or have God or anyone work in your favor. The Supreme wants all the wonderful things for us more than we are #bold enough to ask for!

We were not given a spirit of fear (that was added to us when we got here by fearful people), but our true spirit is one of Love, Power and a Sound Mind! Get the mind right, get the thoughts right and the others will reveal themselves. If we are thinking right(sound mind) then our faith is unshakeable and herein we have the Power to do, be and achieve all that is good, abundant and noble for us and everyone.

It’s us that need to seek and find, ask so it is given and knock so that doors can be open to us. God has to do it it through us as God is spirit. Stop waiting on God, God is waiting on you! Stop the ‘trying’ and just do it!! You can get up and go get what you want by asking what path to take or you can continue to sit there and remain addicted to the chemicals of moaning, complaining, blaming and despondency.

Be honorable towards the purpose you have been put on the earth for. #Explore your heart and come to know who the one within you truly is. Not who the world says you are or should be. Until we know ourselves we cannot know our purpose and we will delay the treasures and successes for our lives and that of others.

Imagine discovering your greatness like all the great ones who were once just like you, unsatisfied and confused. IT’S HEADSPACE AWAY

It’s not only about you or me! We have a responsibility to those looking to us for guidance to their best life possible! It's about our families, children, friends and associates. Your life is bigger than you are settling for. Stir yourself up and grow like you are meant to. Those niggles of dissatisfaction is you higher self calling you out.

Get your brave on!

If you don’t know where to start, #ASK!!! Get into the right group of people who sees your potential and understand your journey for your #freedom. Shake off the mediocrity and the fear of shining bright like you really should. It’s time to #shine bright bright bright #brightlikeadiamond.

The most powerful tool for gaining freedom and peace of mind is the tool that rewired your mind to Ease and Success.

Let us help you. Book A Free Ignition Coaching Call with Dr Thashna. We all are on the journey to freedom. Some of us are just stuck and need some guidance. We are here to help and support you.

DON’T WORRY ABOUT MONEY! If you need help and you are serious, we will work things out so you get the help you need. Book Now!


Stop! Think for your life!


To A Spritely New Year 🎊