TWLT Blog Posts

Stress Less - Live More

Digging Ditches for Success

Head-space is where our mind is at, the beliefs we hold, whether they serve us or not. To create anything great, our head-space (thoughts and beliefs) has to be vibrating at a frequency that matches the frequency of greatness. Albert Eintein said it best "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them", because the frequencies are different.

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Manifest the Business You Want Easily In Flow State.

Like anything we desire, it is important to first be in the flow of the desire for you to be taken to it. When we get hungry, we must first go in the direction of the food we want in order to have it. Selling and marketing requires the exact same flow. It should not be hard and treacherous having the things you desire for your business, or for anything else in your life for that matter.

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