Digging Ditches for Success

Mind over matter: The Mind and Body Relationship in Creating Anything

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We mostly operate on autopilot. We do the same things we did yesterday and the days before that because we think the same way, have the same reactions based on a program in our minds. We cannot create anything new from the same mind that's been resisting and sabotaging the creation process. It is difficult for most of us to change our minds over night. We first have to recognize the mind we have at present and create an intention of energy greater than the old programming, practice it and rewire the programming to a more evolved and satisfying one, that will bring about the outcomes that we desire.

Head-space is where our mind is at, the beliefs we hold, whether they serve us or not. To create anything great, our head-space (thoughts and beliefs) has to be vibrating at a frequency that matches the frequency of greatness. Albert Eintein said it best "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them",  because the frequencies are different.

Let your mind consciously create the matter you want and the unwanted matter unconsciously created before will be of no consequence unless you make it so.

Vibrate Higher

All things vibrate, all things take different feels, shapes, sounds, smells and tastes due to the differences in their vibrations. Even the very air is filled with a range of varying vibrational frequencies. Thoughts are vibrations, feelings are also vibrations. To wrap my head around this I had to go back to the common factor within all things living and none living. All are made up of atoms. The atom is made up of 99.99999 percent energy and 0.00001 percent matter. What does that mean? It means that we are 99.99999 percent energy and the rest is matter, like everything in the known universe vibrating a different frequencies to produce our environment.

We tend to only focus on the tiny matter parts of ourselves because we can see, touch, taste, smell and hear them and are unaware of the vast potential we have and we are, being able to create and shape things with our extraordinary minds by changing energy. How can you tap into the 99.99999 percent of our energy being?

Get conscious and deliberate about cleaning up our thoughts and the power we have when using them. Use words wisely as when you speak them, they vibrate out into the universe and carry a frequency of whatever you 'spoke out' back to you. Think a different more positive and expansive thought, speak empowering and inspiring words. Create something amazing with this power you hold and do not take it for granted or waste it creating the drama' and lacks you don't actually want.

The foods we put inside our bodies also have specific vibrational frequencies, therefore, to support vibrating higher, we must eat foods of high vibration. Foods that are fresh and full of life such as fresh, live and organic foods. Whole food and foods full of the nutrients needed to maintain high vibrations, leaving us feeling alive, bright, vibrant, and healthy.

Surroundings. What are you exposing your mind and body to? The grace and positivity we expose ourselves to has a way of affecting us through energetic osmosis. The bible verse 1Corinthians 15:33 states so rightly, 'Be not deceived : evil communication corrupts good manners'. Regardless of how strong we feel we are, it is important to spend time in the high vibration of high vibing company. If you cannot bring the light you will be drawn to the darkness. Vibrate so high that you become an inspiration through bringing light to those who are seeking to shine brighter. This is our responsibility and never a chore when we share the light we have come to know and experience. We cannot hide our light because we do not know how the exposure of our light to the world will affect those around you.

Surroundings and vibrations also includes, your home, place of work. The places we spend most of our days should reflect or high vibration. Clutter is conspiracy against clarity. This is my personal opinion, and I am sure there are many that will agree with me that when our space is overwhelmed with clutter, dis-organisation, mess, this is often a reflection of a dis-organised mind and has a feedback loop of feeling chaotic and confused, promoting procrastination and feelings of much lower vibrations.

Our inner vibrations reflect matching frequencies outside of us. Integrity is created from a mind that is clear, positive, gracious and illuminous. It comes from a secure knowing and trust in ones core essence with general respect for another's choices. Knowing ourselves and resting in the security of the vibration that gives us our highest and most expansive self is living life fully.

We each have this powerful potential because we all have this field around us and in us and are a part of the greater field, the field from which we have all been launched to make manifest the light and dynamic expression of life on earth. Some of us are aware, conscious and do the work to stay connected (higher vibrations/strengthens us) while others are asleep and unconscious, and living in survival (lower vibrations/weakens us).

Take a look at the Map of the Consciousness. where are you calibrating right about now based on your primary emotions? Most of human consciousness today are tossing back and forth between 10 to 200. Thankfully the ones vibrating higher balance the scales somewhat, hence we are all still here. I won't go into the details, but as you can see, aiming to sustain our vibrations about and above the 200 mark will make us strong on so many levels which will inspire, illuminate and transform us and the lives of those around us.

A limited set of parameters of consciousness calibrated from 1-1000 (logarithm to the base 10) of the power of the respective fields. From book by David Hawkins, Power vs Force .

Living In Lack

You will create easiest the life you feel is possible for you. You can also create the big and beautiful life you dream of, if you can believe in the possibility of it coming true.

Living in lack is the thoughts manifested from believing there isn't enough to go around therefore living competitively, miserly and selfishly. Living in lack is adhering to a belief, a thought that we must gather and hide away for a rainy day. It's limiting and a weaker/lower vibrational expression. Many people even consistently and continuously speak about their lack to friends, family, colleagues, reinforcing the energy of limitation, lack and simply, disconnection from the source of all limitlessness.

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Anyone living in the mentality of 'there is never enough, can't afford it, living in a different world of those who have it all' are bound to have that as their experience. Whatever you tell yourself repeatedly, becomes a belief and whatever becomes a belief has to become your reality.

Have you ever seen a rich man who is happy, worrying about where the next meal will come from? No, of course not, he is rich. Ask the same rich man about when he was starting out to acquire his wealth if he was thinking about what he didn't have on his way to success, or was he thinking of the ideal he wanted for himself? He will tell you he created his wealth with a healthy wealth mindset. Why bother setting out to do anything great if you are not putting your best energy forward?

So lack has no place in the mind of the person who wants to achieve wealth and success in anything at all. What is the mindset that you currently have for achieving your success? Do you think that you can have it, or do you think, maybe, or not really? At least be honest with where you are and your current way of thinking. We all have to start somewhere and please, lay off the judgement for thinking negatively as the vibration in that will only weaken you further. Be grateful for any acknowledgement of self wanted and unwanted and set intentions to improve by thinking a braver more appealing thought.

Emotions Are Our Guide.

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They tell us when we go off track and likewise they tell us when we are on track with the things we want. Things that make you feel good are of higher vibration and things that generate bad feeling are of low vibration. Watch and listen to your emotions. They instinctively guide us from harm and danger and thank God we have them in place to protect us. They are also linked to our hard wired programming, via cascades of chemicals triggered from memorized responses and behaviors associated with survival and satisfaction or the lack thereof.

The body is the Unconscious mind. Repressed trauma caused by overwhelming emotions, can be stored in a body part, therefore affecting our ability to feel that part or even move it. by Candice Perth

These chemicals also regulate our bodies, protect us,and heal us when we get damaged. They do this in harmony and has a primary effect on our subconscious mind. We develop our personalities based on experiences, good and bad which trigger chemical release into the blood stream to further affect the wiring of the subconscious mind. Repeated chemical release based on the same repeated emotions from similar experiences then become automatic and programmed as the relevant response from the external environment.

To put it another way. What you repeatedly do becomes hardwired and habitual. The body therefore becomes the mind for that specific task as you no long have to think about it for the responses and reactions to take place, because you have trained your body to do it within many experiences. Any more familiar experiences in the future will effect this same behavior, which we deem a personality

However, there are some undesired emotional responses that arise within us that were programmed there since childhood often or during a stressful event. For example, someone not liking peas because they choked on them once as a kid, so every time they see peas on their plate they contract and resist as if the experience is happening all over again. Another example, someone not liking people of a certain race, class or social background because of stereotyping and learned discrimination. What about someone disliking a country and its people because they had a bad experience there. These emotional responses are based on perceptions, and perspectives, one perception of so many, which often becomes a limitation.

Imagine the freedom of allowing yourself to be who you want to be regardless of people and their behaviors, places and their intricacies, situations and their expressions. Why not observe, have your opinion, but not let the negative get so deep so they block you from potential exploration. All situations are to teach us. It is not to teach us how to fear, contract and shut down, but quite the opposite. Each challenge teaches us to be confident, brave, curious, adventurous, courteous, empowered, opened, forgiving, loving, understanding, inspiring and so on. We are meant to evolve and love everyone where they are at on their evolutionary journey and be the change we want to see in the world as Gandhi so eloquently put it.

I understand the frustration of wanting one thing but your emotions telling you another. This let me remind you is a program the heart and other energy centers of the body are responding to. Don't make it bad, instead be grateful that you recognized it, observe it and then allow it to pass and you can create a different response .

To do so, we need to get the heart and lower energy centres (the subconscious mind) to respond to a different set of instructions, so that when you think wealth, you feel wealth and believe wealth and therefore become wealth in all it's forms. Make lack redundant now, because there is truly more than enough of Joy, Peace, Happiness, Contentment, Love and Abundance for all. We only need to step out of the competitive world and step into the creative one to recognize and receive it all. Start digging your ditches. Cultivate all these wonderful things in the rich soil of your inner being and watch your outer world respond as if by magic

Digging Ditches: Creating New Thoughts and Vocabulary

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Digging ditches is a term, used in the bible when the prophet Elisha ordered that ditches be dug when the army ran out of water. Even in the event that there was no rain to fill them, they were obedient and their faith in God's word allowed the ditches to be filled by Supernatural/God means/Spirit/Energy. Without getting into religion which can be so dogmatic, bottom line is, we don't need to understand where the water will come from, we just need to believe we will have water and be grateful for the purpose the water serves.

In the case here, we need to believe in the supernatural abilities of our inner Being/God force/Source of all our abilities as our thoughts (intention) carry the message out into the field of all possibilities and the electromagnetic frequency of the the heart (gratitude/belief) matches the same frequency of that elevated emotion and attract it to us in some form of experience. Believing and the gratitude of receiving is everything. If you can see and feel it before the event has manifested (dug your ditches), then its on its way and you need only to be patient and constant, yet easy and relaxed about it. This is called having faith.

To create the new heart space, get deliberate, specific, repetitive and focused yet easy and relaxed about the new information we are introducing to our subconscious mind. Are you ready? First thing to do is to

Write your perfect/ideal day.

Write an essay about the person you want to become.

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Write in the present tense and feel it as if it is happening right now. Details and feelings are everything. Describe what you hear, what you see in every detail, what and how you feel, what can you smell. If you are eating something, describe the taste. The exercise should get you excited. The excitement means you have got through to the subconscious systems and a series of repetitions of this, feeling genuine self confidence, happiness, freedom, openness, empowerment, gratitude etc, will eventually be your default and before you realize it, you will be living this life you envisioned.

Help my Unbelief

Unbelief in my opinion is believing in your spirit but becoming sabotaged by old belief systems buried deep in the subconscious, wired so strongly that, the hope of a new and different tomorrow is a distant blur. Rewiring the mind deliberately through new ideas, new thoughts, new paradigm to shift out of unbelief into belief is the way forward. The beautiful thing about the brain you may have heard is the concept of 'use it or lose it'. If therefore we spend our time focused on what we want, the nerve cells of the brain that fire together in response to that which we hold our attention will wire together and those that are no longer used will automatically prune away.

The unwanted beliefs were created in the same way as we focused our energy and attention on all the bad, the wrong, the scary stuff we did not want in our lives and they showed up because you focused your thoughts upon them. It does not matter whether you wanted then or not, the fact is whatever you focus on and emotionalize about, good or bad has to match that frequency so will meet you at some point as some experience.

So you see, turning away from the things that do not serve you positively and toward the things that do, you can literally create a new person within yourself. Sitting and waiting for someone to save you from yourself is not going to get you the life you want. You have got to create it yourself, inside yourself. No one can do it for you, this means doing the work. You have the power once you believe.

Living In Increase: Seeing only Prosperity

What you give your attention to expands, so what do you want to see more of in your life? That should be your sole focus, day and night. What I mean is , you must stay in the high vibration of the thing you desire for it to be attracted to you and you to it and thus bring it into your life. If you are in work and someone says something to trigger a reaction that may lower your vibes, you are going to have to work on maintaining or raising your vibration and not allowing anyone vibrating lower to change or neutralize yours. This takes conscious and consistent work.

Be intentional about lifting your vibration higher if you can, or remove yourself from the situation. Learn to be silent when there is nothing positive to say or you are being challenged into involvement in a competitive scrap. Ask yourself the question, what's more important? Ego or balance, peace, contentment, abundance, freedom, love? The latter, I am assuming, so turn your face away and and walk towards your peace and joy. See only the things that you know will elevate your vibration. turn away from that which lowers it. Preserve and protect your creation.

When in this creative process, several of your friends and family members may want to know what you are doing, as they sense or see the changes taking place in you. Only share with those that will support you positively. Again, its about keeping your vibes high. Some people, regardless of who they are, if they don't understand, will try to ridicule and attempt to tear you down. Some people think they know whats best for you and genuinely believe they are helping by objecting to your changes. Avoid these people. Love them where they are at. Thank and bless them and always wish them well.

Change will always create a stir, ripples, waves, tremors, unease etc, but hold to the course and stay in your lane. All is well that feels well, even if it feels unfamiliar. Familiar would be to go back to the old self and not change at all, but that we can predict will get you what you have always had. Don't confuse familiar with what is right for you. Remember why you started and dream, visualize, live that future you now.

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The brain does not know the difference between what it sees in real life and what it imagines. That means you may create your story, your life from the warmth and comfort of your home or anywhere you choose. You can travel all over the world and see marvelous places, you can have fun and laughter, you can learn to surf, you can fall in love, you can learn a new language, you can build or buy a new house, you can buy a new car, all in the mind and make it feel so real that the energy of the emotions and the thoughts involved will bring them to you through a series of opportunities, action, surprises etc. Look out and be expectant and super grateful in all the emotions of the reality and the possibility. Gratitude is a side effect of your consistent, intention, meditation, visualization, affirmation coupled with your unwavering faith in receiving what you ask, for the highest good.

Living In The Overflow

Be happy for others when they thrive. Observe people who are successful, understand their thinking. Stay plugged in to the stream of positive evolution. Meditate and find nirvana. Love is all there is when all the sadness, and negativity is stripped away. Let it be your mission to get there often so you may rise and shine and become a guide to the lost that are seeking the path of spirited evolution. See my other blogs on the site thashnawalsh.com for more on meditation.

Want success to give it back to the world while you are having a wonderful time freeing yourself and serving mankind. Whatever success is for you, once you have achieved it, its only natural to want to share it with the world. This is the difference in living life creatively, and not competitively. The competitive life is full of stress and insecurity. We are all on a beautiful journey of self discovery and self expression. We all have unique gifts to share. First we need to unpack the lies, the dogma, the fear and limitations that block our path and walk, run, flow freely into our best life.

How you gonna win if you ain't right within?..................................Lauryn Hill

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Freely give and freely you shall receive. We are all looking for the same thing, regardless of who we are. We all need to be loved, we all are looking for love. Love is within us. Close your eyes and discover the being of Love and transformative light within you. Nothing or no one outside of yourself can show you this Love. When you have found it, you wont keep quiet. This is living in the overflow. The beautiful thing about the overflow is, as you help others, you will feel the well of success rising within you and this energy will attract more of its kind. There will be joy and abundance flowing over from all directions as you remain open to receive the blessing of your harvest, easy and relaxed. That's the life heh? Sounds so dreamy, yes it is. And now we know how to make dreams come true.

I have dug a few ditches in my time and have been delighted with most and still digging with success. Freedom is my dream and as I unfold and reveal my true potential, purpose and the freedom that comes with these, I find the right opportunities show themselves at the right time, as this is the vibration I hold. On this journey I made a promise to myself to share the things I learn with those who wish to follow the path to freedom, success and the overflow too. It is a beautiful journey when we take back our power and set ourselves free and set others free to do this same. This is the life I live. Believe in your dreams and start creating them the way YOU want.

How refreshing

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Opening a Closed Heart

