
Calming the turbulent mind into peace, clarity and smooth sailing

To be free is to know you are free. I am a black woman, but I am not talking about freedom from racial oppression perspective, I speak of freedom from mental oppression within all race and creed within time and space. Human beings must evolve. Each of us are where we are on our journey and each of us has a responsibility to see that journey to its end and in a fulfilled way. The question becomes, what path will you take to make the journey most purposeful and enjoyable?

 Is misery enjoyable to you? Is it attached to you or do you endorse it unconsciously? It’s life right? Or at least that is what most think, because they have never been exposed or open to anything different and therefore are lost within the hormones of the stress cycle. Does the lack of exposure to Success, Happiness,Love, and Peace makes it less likely for you to experience and maintain these experiences? Of course it does! But what else can we do?

I could write about the life of struggle and constant battles for those who love being caught up in the drama, the hustle, the stress and the pain, but that is not who I am writing about. Yet it is who I wish to write for.

I recommended to someone who was literally worried sick, that they take some time out to be still and quite their mind, to which they countered that, their mind was always busy and they can’t help that as there was too much going on and there was no time to sit and be quiet. Isn’t that something? That the very thing they need the most is the thing they resist and cast aside as baggage, inconvenience and time consuming or even time wasting? There is no time for self love, care and regeneration? Or is it ignorance of its exquisite importance?

So if you feel you don’t need any chill time out of the noise in your head think again. That noise will set you off track and down a very dark place mentally and physically, never to discover the gems of this beautiful life. What is the compulsion you try to resist and steer away from every time only to find yourself deep in it. Is it food, alcohol, sex, porn, procrastination, self sabotage, jealousy, rage, depression,  the constant battle of the minds, to do or not to do? It can be such a challenge being in control of it all and its such bitter disappointment when we derail once again trying to keep it all together. Oh, how depressing!!

What can I do to stop this cycle, do you ask?

Well if you truly want the answer to that, may I request a few more minutes of your time to rock your world and set you free. Before you decide yes, please first check yourself to see if you truly want change and are willing to let go of the current paradigm you hold and be open to something perhaps very different, or perhaps you have heard it before calling to you, but you were just too busy, too distracted, too conflicted to go with it. Do you want to? Are you seriously ready to allow this information to sink in on a conscious and emotional level? Then lets go.

Self Sabotaging

When I was growing up, I was constantly afraid. I was told I was capable of doing amazing things, but I could not see what everyone else saw. I had already had the wiring of a limited mind. I would dream big dreams as in fairy tales of being well off, stress-free , with the happily ever after factor. However, I equally doubted ever achieving the dream I saw in my mind’s eye. There was this huge knot in the pit of my stomach that I took everywhere with me since I was a child. The knot held my reinforced limitations of insecurities, unworthiness, disbelief and fear, that I lived up to, over and over and over again until I said "No more!"

Think about why we for example self sabotage. We want to achieve something but you get so close and then let it slip away and justify the failure as not meant to be, or someone sabotaged you, or you fall sick or into some crisis, there is just so many  excuses, pointing the finger, and never taking responsibility.

Let’s point the finger at you. Indulge me a while. Receive it, accept it. Its you! You are the one sabotaging yourself. Does this send you into anxiety, defense or depression? Pay attention to the feeling you are experiencing, observe the crazy thoughts streaming through your mind as you attempt to block and justify, that it could not be you. "I am not the problem" you say, "it's everyone else".

This is the incoherence of mind. The fact is, it is you that is responsible, but your subconscious mind has been wired to think it's every on else, so you can stay in the state of mind and the actions that you take and will forever be sabotaging. Well this next step will make or break your evolution to where in your heart you truly want to go.

Alright so we are accepting, observing and allowing that the way our lives are going is nobody's fault, but we are responsible for all of it. No one else. So, look in the mirror at yourself figuratively speaking and start asking the important question. What is going on? If you can do this, you will have taken a ginormous step towards your freedom.

The answer has always been, work harder, do more, and the saga continues. NO! stop, please just Stop!! That is the answer STOP. Pause, take a break, chill out, time out. Only 20 minutes per day to create sweet lasting and huge changes in your life and the life of those around you who you do influence and could truly inspire in a huge way. What do you like doing to relax and recharge that you could do in minimum time of 20 minutes per day? Walking? Reading? Meditating? Praying? Exercising? Writing? Creating?

Whatever it is you choose, be sure it has a natural and positive effect on you and ultimately calms you. That’s it. Allow yourself to think and dream only of the things you want and emotionalize the receiving of them as you rest and chill in this calm space. This is the key to your best life. The stronger and better you get at this, is the stronger and better you will start to feel inside of yourself and this will start to shine from the inside-out. It’s a very complicated chemical process, and overriding your habitual behavior to stay out of the stress cycle is all you must use your will for. Soon you won't need your will for this, as it will become your norm and a part of your new identity.

Becoming Someone Else

When you take time out to chill, you change your brain wave frequency, from high to lower ranges. When in high ranges, we are alert and focused but if not properly managed and the waves kept in balance, the range can tip into even higher and incoherent ranges which becomes less than desirable in their effects. Think, you probably have seem people that are easily triggered, snappy, stressy, anxious about everything, withdrawn, sickly, in a constant state of worry and defense and some just are on a spiral of what feels like losing it. Are you one of these people? They are an accident waiting to happen.

Coherent Brain Waves vs Incoherent Brain Waves. From the Book; You are the Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

Stuck in a time warp of drama, sickness, shame, guilt, fear, unforgiveness and evil. They probably even ask “why does this always happen to me?” or they may be seen or describes as, nasty, not nice, a stress head, a pain in the behind etc. I describe these behaviors as unconscious, incoherent behaviors.

Too many people are living unconsciously, wondering why life is not turning out as they want it to. To have what you want, I would suggest needs more than mental and physical work. One must get reconnected to the spiritual aspect of self in order to create balance and inspire growth and evolvement in the direction of purpose. What do I mean by this? We need to go within, otherwise, we will go without. Going within involves, shutting out all the distractions of the physical world and discovering the true self, that beat our hearts, creates beings and birth worlds of beauty while promoting grace and love in all things. You can only experience this true self when we take time out and deeply let go of the analytical mind.

Open up and let go into your most extraordinary life

Letting go is a practice of levels. Each time you break through one level, you will discover there are more and more exquisite, and dynamic levels to explore. We never get the evolution of self done, but we certainly get happier, more and more gracious, relaxed, open and loving in the process. The best thing is we discover the joy of true purpose and revel in its expression through us. In this state, all our needs are met without resistance, stress and worry. We become someone else, someone that has it all. So, let us start the process of letting go with 20 minutes of doing the thing that gets you most zen and progress from there.

I used recommend meditation as the quickest, deepest, most natural and extreme of ways to discover one’s inner being or true self. The God within us and within all things is always there, available, waiting, never forceful nor imposing, just Being and Loving. If you can for a moment each day , listen, you will soon experience the heavens all around, in and through you and in all you do.

I recommend the fastest way to quickly rewire your subconscious sabotaging programs is with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). That is the therapy I practice with my clients. It uses hypnosis to access your subconscious mind, removing the limiting and sabotaging beliefs and replace them with the positive, vital, transforming ones. It is extremely powerful and fast as many are transformed from their limitations in one to three sessions.

Go to Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy (TWLT) page to learn more about how we can help you steer you life to true and lasting happiness. Happiness is the key to the success you are looking for.

Just imagine waking up each day feeling happy, peaceful, in flow, and feeling that certainty that everything is working out for you. This is freedom. Get some, Get a lot! Go within or go without!

Book a Discovery Call – A free, no obligation call discussing what you want to achieve from the session and to determine if we are a good fit for working together.


Thinker, Entrepreneur, Eleutheromaniac and Freedom Finder.


You are the Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsch

Meditation for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr Joe Dispenza

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Digging Ditches for Success


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