Opening a Closed Heart

“Energetically speaking, a closed heart is best opened from the inside, as this is where the key that unlocks it is kept”. Thashna

The Closed Heart

The irony, an unpleasant experience outside of ourselves is allowed in, emotionalized into a tragic memory and instead of putting it out of us and forgetting as we forgive ourselves, we lock it in. We lock it in and unconsciously romanticize it into pain and suffering. Slowly our light fade and we resist more light for fear of the dark shadows lurking at its edges as we approach.

We want to move forward yet the dark is all we see. It consumes our promise of a great life, a happy life, a learned life, a big life,a wise life, a conscious life, an adventurous life, a passionate life, a life of ultimate freedom.

A closed heart will never be worthy of wearing the crown of peace, beauty and grace, because these things are liberating and free and a closed heart is not.

Closed like a flower in harsh terrain, stunted in its growth,withering from within, stifled from living and fading into oblivious sadness.Reflecting despondence and fear while projecting unwanted emotions of resent, shame and regret. Pushing the stirred memory further into our core, relived and strengthened. The heart; the essence of life, the magnet of our soul, the home of trust, Love, and compassion lies now oozing and wilting with injury and stories of unforgiveness and pain.

Attracting the Path

Yes, it was me, just like it was you, no one outside ourselves made the decision to be hurt and cause ourselves hurt. We attracted, engaged, indulged, divulged, and reveled in the sparkle of a moment that warned, yet we brought in to our world, into our experience.

We stood in the presence of it feebly resisting the obvious bad with the hope it may actually turn out good and not be the bad it so clearly was. The niggles festered and all our attention picked at it. The bad got bigger because we fed it with our attention and thus our energy by picking at it, until bad was all that was.

Now bad is all that is as the memories deepen and become a part of our subconscious mind which is the emotions stored in the body, in the heart that has interpreted this bad experience as something to close down to and resist ever experiencing again. A heart closed in fear.

What we think about we bring about and there are no two ways about that. Can you see how you brought all your situations and experiences into your life by your own doing. This is the way we attract the path we are on. We think with the mind (every thought has a frequency), then we feel with our body (every emotion has a frequency), which means we are vibrating at a specific frequency, signalling the frequency of that thought and feeling.

Out in the universe and all around us, people, and things are also vibrating at various frequencies. We attract similar energy as we are tuned into the same frequency and we receive that which we signaled. We interact with it and react to it as we welcome or resist the reality we created mostly unconsciously based on stored and memorized emotions.

Note that consciously choosing the good thoughts of a good experience you wish to have will work the same way if you truly believe it and are passionate about receiving it. The question is, what do you want to attract for your heart?

Silence the suffering

Pride is the snake that eats its own tail. Knowing and wanting better for yourself? Yet you cannot seem to alter course and save yourself, you are torturing yourself and pretending it is all ok.

Have a word with yourself consciously and clearly. Communication is a two-way message and communicating with oneself is the most important of all. It takes silence and the practice of retreating into self, into our innermost being, asking and listening, inspiring and expressing.

Meditating is the best way for real deep and super effective conversations with your inner being.

1. Ask for directions to your true freedom and ask for your path to peace, Joy and Contentment.

2. Listen for the answers.

Memorised trauma are stored in the body and often have become an addiction because it is hardwired and will try to unseat this new beauty creating process that seeks to replace it for Peace and Love. Ask deeply and quietly within yourself so the ego is not alarmed and there be more suffering.

Meditating and remaining conscious are active processes to achieve this. The memories will soon transmute into steps and ladders of growth and elevation. Get in the silence and let the suffering be observed without emotion which transmutes it to an experience and nothing more. Without the fuel of emotions, there is no life, no energy. The experience is now wisdom and no longer is allowed to hurt.

Be thankful for these lessons which elevate us and liberates energy from that which does not serve, making it available for cultivating Love and a heart opening to its magic.

Reliving the memory of pain

Repeating the happenings of a specific event, repeatedly arouses the emotions felt at moment of the event. Repeatedly feeling the feeling, hard wires your brain to this response to any event of similar frequency. You are now on automatic and don’t even need to think, just observe our external environment for any similar events and feel the same feelings. This is reliving the memory.

The brain is working less consciously and more unconsciously and you get trapped in a time warp, a loop, ground hog day, having the same thought, feeling the same emotions, sending the same frequency to create more of the same. You are becoming an expert at that which you give your attention to , be it sadness, pain, Love, joy, abundance, lack, peace, fun or fear because what you focus on, expands.

Thinking sadness, will not bring happiness, just more of the frequency of sadness, therefore more sadness. Thinking Love will not bring hurt, but will bring the frequency of Love which ultimately is more loving. Pick a side, pick the side that makes you healthy, wealthy and wise and stick to it so you can become all you want to be.

A heart that is joyful is healthy, kind and grateful. A heart with buried pain is poisoned and will eventually poison all the other organs as it cuts off their Love supply and we die the slowest and most excruciating death of all, a life unexpressed and unfulfilled.

What is for you, is for you

Whatever your vibrations, is the vibration you will receive.This is a universal law. What do you want? What is the vibration of that which you seek? We all want different things and we all think differently. The universe creates infinitely. If you want something badly enough and believe in the receiving of it, the opportunities will come for you and you will have tobe connected to and spot the opportunity and be ready to do what it takes to receive it. It is that simple.

When your heart is closed, you block the frequency of receiving from the universe. The heart is a magnet with its own electromagnetic field pulling the frequency of that which you asked for to you. If you have asked the universe for Love and you close your heart to Love, then the signal is of mixed messages and your wish cannot be granted.

The more opened your heart is the easier life flows for you and you won’t have to work so hard for the things you want as they like magic come to you, because you are aligned to the frequency of the things you want.Your heart has to be opened in this process for you to be in flow. Easy and relaxed does it. Let peace reign in your heart.

Fertile heart soil

Cultivating a heart wide open needs honesty, openness, vulnerability, forgiveness, willingness to allow and gratitude.

Be honest with yourself, look at yourself and let yourself see you. Do you like what you see? The key is to accept yourself where you are and love you. Loving you will evolve you, so be honest. Open up to finding and removing the injury to your heart, feel the difference as you open up in brief and then in longer becoming moments. Have a good view of all that does not serve you. Feel the hardness, the pain, the stuck-ness, the blocks and write the name of the emotion down that best describes them or why they are there. You are calling them out when you do this, so do it.

Observe them and imagine them lifting up and drifting away as you bath the area with loving light. Do this in bits until you have covered the whole of your heart inside and out. Its ok to cry and a release the energy that has been stuck here. Release it. Be vulnerable. Let go into the feeling of vulnerability and breathe. Soon the fear will disappear. Just decide to and do it. Do it as many times as its necessary to feel the shift taking place and you start to feel lighter.

Unforgiveness hurts you and no one else, you are wiser than to waste your energy on things you cannot control. Choose joy and start being joyful. As the heart lets go and you forgive, the seeds of beauty, grace, happiness and the most exquisite Love no longer lay dormant but awakened, alive and springing into fields of sweetness from the depths of your heart, let it. The forgiveness is for yourself most importantly, allow it.

Love yourself enough to let go of all the baggage of who did what to you and forgive yourself for holding on to it and injuring yourself further. Also allow each soul to walk its path and let people be who they are.

We are all on a journey, none is perfect, and none will be exactly like you. Remember we are all the same, looking for Love, looking for acceptance, security, and freedom. We all deserve it too, though many of us don’t see it and let the ego (the unconscious mind) run the show creating chaos. See people deeper than they appear or present themselves. We are all the same.

See them as an energy being having an earthy experience just like you and I and trying to figure it all out and make the best of the situation they perceive themselves in. Some people know how to go within and check in with themselves. Some have not got there yet and may never get there in this lifetime. Love everyone where they are at and be free to be who you are. Judge not and you will not be judged. And if you feel you are being judged, you have stepped out of your lane and worrying what people think which frankly is none of your business.

What do you think? What separates the true you  from the version of you now? Your concentration should be on closing that gap and becoming your best self. You cannot bridge this gap or receive anything with a closed heart and you certainly cannot give freely. So, cultivate your heart, stir up the soil and look what lurks beneath, remove the rocks and any obstruction to your promise of life more abundantly flowing from the depths of your beautiful soul.

Weeds of the temple

Memories of discord, disharmony, upset, sadness, misery,dissatisfaction and the like are all fear based and are the weeds of the heart.No need to pick at them, but choosing to use more powerful emotions saturated in Love will force the weeds to prune away because what you give your attention to is what feeds on your energy. Give your attention wisely and your heart’s garden of Love will evolve into the most beautiful paradise and you will find heaven here on earth, within you, as will your fellow earthlings.

Think of your enemy if you have one or something or someone that really gets you irritable or angry. If there is nothing you can do to change the situation between you, learn to allow them to be and offer no resistance (your energy) to them, just let them be without judgement (your energy). Free yourself from any animosity which is a lot of energy. Free upthis energy to do better things beneficial to you, your well-being and that of those around you that you inspire.

Nurturing love

Practice love and your heart will remember and meet you there. Get back to basics in your heart. Can you remember how open and free you were before all the trauma, hurt and unforgiveness? If not, you at least have a core knowing what is good for your heart and what is intrinsically not good. Ask the question, what it feels like to be full of Love, Joy and Gratitude? Keep asking and imagining and let the feelings that come up be magnified and practiced.

Watch happy loving things on the television, observe love all around, in children, in couples, in the plants, the animals, in nature, in your body, in your experiences, in your relationships. Keep on stoking and you will be met by a blaze that warms your soul, takes your breath away and your body will feel a thrill as the chains that hold you fall off as your heart’s doors swing wide open and loving light envelopes you and lasts and lasts and takes you back to who you truly are.

Practice makes perfect and it feels pretty darn awesome like having an orgasm in your heart. Yes, you read that right. A love injection in the most powerful and literal sense. So much joy you will laugh and cry with pure delight. This is healing energy, this is creative energy, this is the energy that gives you your heart’s desires. Revel in it, linger and surrender.

The fruits of an opened heart

Grace, Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Joy, Peace,Contentment, Kindness, Compassion, Divinity, Inspiration, Health and Well-Being,Abundance, Passion, Adventure, Forgiveness, Beauty, Freedom, Unlimitedness,Creativity, Pure Sweetness….


With a heart wide open comes freedom to Love freely and intensely. With Love comes all the abundance of the joy and passion sought after. Love’s cup runs over and you are as free as you want to be. There is nothing more warming and comforting than a heart that has no fear but loves openly and fully. Find that and forever soar. To find this, make a commitment to yourself. You will take an hour each day to meditate. To silence the mind and go within to the inner space where all possibilities exist. The space where there is no body, no place, no time, no one, no thing. A space of pure consciousness.

The pure energy of love is found here and if you can enter this space every day for an hour. Giving yourself no distractions and surrendering deep into this space, your life will change for the better. This happened for me. Peace was the first thing I experienced. A love for life came next. Seeing myself in everyone was also a profound experience, opening my heart to love and receiving love also came and my heart healed from a condition I chronically suffered from. I have a new sense for adventure. I am full of energy and filled with joy from the inside out. This is my journey to freedom.

Joy and inspiration

Living in the unknown is looking at the blank canvas with the heart wide open to possibilities, what do you want to create?

Beautiful is the place that allows for dreams to take shape.

Powerful is the way that gives each thirst the fountain of everlasting satisfaction.

Rejoice in your Inner Being that saves and satisfies.

How can you trust anything outside of yourself if you do not trust that which is within you?

Fill your heart with gladness till it spills over abundantly to inspire, nourish and guide others in want of Love to the same.

Passion is the fire that burns life into existence.

The heart is the home of passion.

A life half lived is a life with little passion and nothing burns in a heart without it.

Open up to a new you, make no excuses, take back your power and open up your heart, fully to the fullness of the life that is always awaiting you.

It is your life, it is your heart, you are the Master, instruct, conduct, direct, lead, be inspired and have fun with it.

Make the choice, take the leap, spread your wings of trust and knowing, believing that the unconditional Love that created you will guide you safely to where you wish to go, it will.

Forgiveness is the only way to freedom. Forgive yourself.

If there is nothing to forgive, you are free and unlimited.

Let your heart open and bloom like a beautiful flower every day and feel the light that emanates to support, love, and inspire.

Feel the buzz of unconditional love flooding your being as your heart lets go of fear.

Fear can stop you Loving but Love will stop your fear.

Choose Love and be Loved.

Good posture is the position of heart ahead and wide open with the head in hot pursuit. 

Love is eternal and the safest place in the known universe.

by Thashna

Love which is conditional is not Love.

You cannot give what you do not have, but love is the greatest gift and everybody has that, it’s a matter of setting it free.

My heart blooms with Love for you.


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By Thashna.

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks….

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Believing Magic


Digging Ditches for Success