Manifest the Business You Want Easily In Flow State.

What is flow?

Like anything we desire, it is important to first be in the flow of the desire for you to be taken to it. When we get hungry, we must first go in the direction of the food we want in order to have it. Selling and marketing requires the exact same flow. It should not be hard and treacherous having the things you desire for your business, or for anything else in your life for that matter.

You may have heard so many time that thoughts create things. If not, well it is true. A thought is the only thing that creates. But what do I mean by that? Look around you. Everything you see was first a thought before it materialized. Like-wise to sell or market a product. One must first have an idea, a thought before you can have it tangibly.

Every thought has a frequency and therefore a vibration like everything else around us. The frequency the thought is sent on will find the same frequency to attract the opportunities of the outcome back to you. So, flow you might say is the easy and relaxed coherent coming together of like vibrations that thoughts attract, giving positive manifestation of the thing thought about.

Flow is the ease at which things you want happen for you. Opportunities seem to knock at your door when you think about them and all your needs are met easily and without struggle and worry. Flow is abundance in life and being in love with your life everyday, which can be annoying for those who don’t understand how this works and end up in the ‘struggle’.

Ok I know we can’t just sit around thinking great thoughts and allowing opportunities to just fall in our laps………or can we? Yes we can! However, there are a few other things to consider in bringing it all together. When you learn these simple steps and practice them. You will find that your flow finds you and all your wonderful thoughts and desires for your business will be easy to manifest.

What do you really want?

Start thinking about:

  • What kind of business do you want?

  • What do you want to sell?

  • Who do you want to sell to?

  • Where in the world do you want to sell to?

  • How much do you want to sell?

  • How popular and successful do you want to be?

  • How much freedom do you want whilst running your business?

The moment you set these thoughts in motion, is the very moment they begin to be created. However, you must get definite and specific on every answer. Details are everything to the creation process.

This is not hocus-pocus.

There is science to back this up and I shall leave you a few reading links below if you so wish to investigate for yourself. Ok, assuming you have looked at the links, or you already are aware of the facts, or just trusting the process and going along with this and deciding later, then let me introduce you to the key concepts of selling, marketing, running a business in flow. Some may call it selling, marketing or running a business energetically.

You don’t have to be a shaman or have any fairy powers, but you must first have the basic belief that your thoughts have created everything reflected in your life right now. If you can be so responsible as to determine this as truth, then you are not far from activating your super selling and marketing powers, your super anything powers really.

Deliberate Flow

Deliberate means, premeditated, pre-planned, thought out in advanced, done consciously or intentionally, calculated, done on purpose. I guess you catch the drift. To sell anything, you must first be deliberate about it. Of course you say! Well deliberate in your first contact and throughout the sale, right through to the very end of the sale and possibly repeated sales with every customer? This sounds like a lot of mental work doesn’t it? Well I think it is and I am not cut out for that kind of constant thinking about every sale and its process with every customer forever of the relationship.

Here is the deliberate superpower activation process:

  1. Believe and know the fact that your thoughts create your reality, past and present and will create your future reality too. Without this belief, don't bother. It is the only way forward to your life of ease, flow and sweet success. So, what are you thinking about to bring about the best outcome for your business?

  2. Align: Know and totally understand AND be deliberately congruent with your product, which brings you in flow with the message of what you are selling and marketing.

  3. Visualize: See all your products sold, even if you have not sold any of them yet. Yes, I do mean pretend!

  4. Feel: But hold on! This kind of pretending has to be deliberately linked to the feeling you would have when you truly make the sale!! Simply, how would you feel if you had your desired outcome now?

  5. Gratitude: Be grateful. Make no mistake, gratitude is the special juice in materializing your desires for your business success. Gratitude is the special language of the heart that magnetize your desires to you fast!

  6. Practice: Repeat and relax into it because it’s done and on its way. Don’t get obsessive about it. You ordered it, so trust that it is coming. Have fun with this and watch for the evidence with constant gratitude until you are physically standing in the dream.

  7. Celebrate: Congratulations!!

Practicing for Success

This is science and only a few people will have the discipline to follow through and make this a practice, that's usually the ones that truly wants to succeed.

If you are one of those that sit and moan about why your products aren’t selling, I am suggesting that it’s because of that very thought process you have of things ‘not selling’ why you are experiencing the lack of sales. Try something different and commit to doing the process for 3 months and I guarantee you will want to read more about how this works.

To put this another way. Sell things that represent a message you are congruent with. Things that make you feel good because it gives value you are in alignment with to your customers, so you are both happy. After all this will keep them coming back and your conscience will be free to do more without question. Simply put, you will be in the right flow…..the right vibration to create the desired outcome for the good of all involved.

Now, allow yourself to believe, it is already done! All your products are sold out and you are restocking fast. You are super excited and in awe. You are so grateful and you express it with true emotions as if it is truly occurring. Believe me, look for the evidence of this manifesting in the little things in your business and be grateful always, because when you do this right, you will be laughing and pinching yourself soon.

Flow Science

Here is some science around this. The brain does not know the difference between what it sees in reality and what it imagines, visualizes or practices the thought of. So, you have got to be crystal clear in your thoughts on what you want and deeply feel the feelings of already having it.

Your brain will not know the difference if the thing thought of is truly there or you only thought about it. The thing you thought about will be attracted to you because the frequency from the thought must find the matching vibration. Then once you get your heart involved strongly it will show up materially for you, because the frequency of the thing and the thought and emotions are all the same. Therefore, Think and feel, tons of new clients, customers and sales!!!!

Your thoughts carry a frequency and so does the emotion you express with those thoughts. If like attracts like, then whatever thought (good or bad) you put out there, creates the thing you think (whether you can see it or not) then the emotions which are the magnets of the human body, they pull that “like” creation to you, as you must attract the frequency of the thought you put out. An unconscious creation may not come back in the exact same way tangibly, but the frequency of the creation attracted will be the same regardless.

What Is Blocking Your Flow?

I did mention briefly about those who moan when things don’t seem to work out. As I said, your thoughts create, and there are no exceptions to this rule. In fact this is a universal law if you have not already worked that out. This is the Law of Attraction (LOA). The LOA says, “like attracts like”. That just means, whatever you think and feel about, you bring about.

Have you ever observed some people who just moan, complain and worry? Isn’t it interesting how they always have something to moan,complain and worry about? Well, that’s ‘like attracting like’. On the other hand, do you notice people who are positive in nature and always see things on the bright side regardless of their situation, they always seem to attract more to be jolly and happy about? Again, that is ‘like attracting like’.

Your flow can only come to you unconsciously if you are naturally a happy outlook person. Alternatively, if you are like me and most people in the world, you may need to override some of your subconscious habits to get into this flow of unlimited sales and your business turning out just the way you want it. This is a universal law, so it is up to you if you want to be in this flow of plenty-everything you want. Do you?

In summary so far. You can choose to create good stuff in your life by managing your thoughts and never letting them slip out without checking them, modifying them and positively emotionalizing the ones supporting your desires. Speak positive creative things into your business and your life in general and let your heart feel love, joy, peace and gratitude. Fall in love with the life you have now, as if you have the life you want and the life you want will be attracted to your flow. The alternative is sad and depressing so let’s not speak of it.

Let it Flow

We are creating a snow ball, and the start can sometimes be tricky as the snow may not want to play ball. But again, with the initial belief of ‘thoughts create things’ firmly in place, you just keep practicing and please be kind to yourself.

If you get caught up in negative conversations and totally forget you were meant to be manning the doorway of your thoughts and a few crappy ones slipped in the door. Let them be and don’t beat yourself up, just accept that this is a part of your growth. You will get better at it. Soon enough you will master the foundational molding of your little snow ball. Just keep on with your practice as whatever you give your attention to expands and we only want the good stuff, so let’s get on with deliberately focusing on that.

To really understand deliberate and creative flow, here is a little more science. There are two parts to the brain that you must keep in mind, pun intended. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is very powerful and represents 95% of the brain. It houses our Beliefs, Emotions, Habits, Values, Protective reactions, Long Term Memories, Imagination, intuition. The subconscious mind simply put, is like a recording device that documents information to be used again and again.

The conscious mind is also very powerful and is there sidence of human superpower. It creates thoughts and ideas, so is responsible for logical and critical thinking.  The conscious mind, though only represents 5%, is the mind that controls what we put into the subconscious mind via repetitive programming.

Another sweet fact is that the subconscious mind cannot refuse any information given by the conscious mind! So, you can deliberately put what you want in and rewire and hard wire the thoughts supporting flow.

The problem is most people live life through their subconscious programs and are unconscious to their true potential of choosing better thoughts and therefore creating a better outcome/a better life. Most people believe they are powerless to their recurring states of being and still do not realize that they are the ones creating what they go through on repeat because they don’t know how to or can’t be bothered to choose a different thought or ask a different question. They are operating unconsciously!

Are you trapped in your subconscious programming?  Do you set out with the intention of doing something only to find you didn’t start or finish what you set out to do and become frustrated because you feel annoyed at yourself, maybe even sabotaged? Well, yes, you have been sabotaged by your subconscious programming.

Well, how the hack do I reprogram my brain and get into my flow?!!

Using the tools of mindfulness, affirmation, meditation, journaling, visualization incorporated into your daily routine first thing in the morning and before bed is scientifically proven to accelerate the process. Starting the day in the right state will set the day in the direction you wish it to go and, as long as you remain ‘conscious’ to the outcome you want and keep, visualizing the outcome you want, do each day the things you are inspire to do to take you closer to the outcome, keep your vibrations high, you are a winner!

This practice over time will give you super-flow, a new way of being. At this point the snow ball has grown and though still need much care, you can now feel the excitement of things to come and you can see how far you have grown both mentally and more than likely financially right because ‘like attracts like’ and when your life is in flow, your abundance, your relationships, your business e.t.c. are all in flow because YOU are!

Superpower Flow

Practice using your superpower

Alright, now you are in active superpower mode. You must refine your flow so that it becomes a part of you forever and properly focused.If you are like me, as we learn anything that’s awesome and has changed our lives in a self-evolving way, we just want to shout it from the mountain top and tell the world so that everyone may wake up from the slumber of unconsciousness and join the new evolving world of creative success. Your business is doing much better at this point, you feel confident and now you want to expand and spread your wings as you intuitively feel the possibility within you to fly. It is time to test out your wings!

We all know snow balls cannot fly, but there is no limit to their growth when they are on a roll, i.e. in flow, with unlimited snow, unless you create obstacles or decide what you have is enough. Once you start to tell the world about your business, your products, your heart from a state of flow, through letters, emails, blogs, ads, videos or whatever your mode of expression, sales and marketing, you will create crazy momentum and divine flow in so many different directions on a growing global scale as you attract more people to your magical attractive vibes. This is your Superpower Flow.

Consciously creating the life of your dreams

The world is your oyster and all your dreams are expanding so is your selling power. It all depends now on where you want to flow to from here. Where do you want to take your business? Do you want to expand? Do youwant new projects? The beautiful thing about being in superpower flow is, you will know when to make changes as you are connected to the source of your true genius.

Remember though, to keep your flow consistent and innovative,you have got to feed it with crystal clear intentions, mastered thoughts,creative visualization and or meditation, inspired action, the use of your will to stay in flow and gratitude always. It is that simple and positively powerful when done consistently.

Remember to have ease about it and let the flow take you to where you want to go. This is the magic some people get and others don’t.

Finally, to be in flow you simply gotta rewire your thoughts and actions and in doing so, YOURSELF, in order for your life to change in the direction you want to flow in. There is only one way for true lasting,incredible and creative success in your business and that is through YOU!

Run your business the way you want when in flow

Please watch this space for more great and enlightening info to get you deeper into the beauty of evolving to your best self and your best entrepreneur from within.


Thinker, Entrepreneur, Eleutheromaniac and Freedom Finder.

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks…


Happy 2019!! Chill Out For Your Best One Eva!


Becoming Taliyah