Happy 2019!! Chill Out For Your Best One Eva!

Simple Instructions For Becoming Your Best Self and Having Your Best Year Eva!

How are you feeling on this new shiny year? Are you excited? Are you looking forward to the year? Are you hesitant and unsure? Are you neither here nor there? What does this new year mean to you?

Forcing your will upon this year without proper planning will only have it blow up in your face. Also if you are taking the same 'you' from 2018 into 2019, not much is likely to change for you. Be gentle with yourself though and ask one question. Who do I need to become to live the best year eva?

Breathe, take a step back and observe in the silence for a few minutes. Listen to the inner self for the answer. I am talking about the deeper self, not the one that wants to lose weight, complete a project you keep putting off , criticizes you and makes you feel unworthy etc. I am talking about the deeper sense of you that knows exactly who you are and why you are here and is ready to inspire action without forcing and competing.

Who Are You?

Do you know who you are? Who are you taking on this journey that is your life? Who inhabits this body you live in? Did you know that you are not your sex, your race, creed, the job you do or even your accomplishments. These are only attachments added after your transition to the world.

We are beautiful beings of light expressing through our bodies. Our bodies are tools of wonderful expressions! Yes! So let us liberate this magical light fully and walk in alignment of our best path.

'We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us'. A quote by Marianne Williamson.

Have you discovered this Glory within you?

I am not being 'religious' in anyway, but this glory is inside all of us. Some look for it and some do not. For those who seek, they shall find. When you close your eyes for a few minutes daily in silence and observe, you will come to know your inner being.

You will also learn that when allowed to express fully, this glory within will make this year and all the others to come an easy, relaxed, fun and prosperous adventure. You were born to shine! Come on!!

Course Correction

Have you checked in with yourself and saw that there were aspects to your personality that need improvement? Like, would you like to be more confident? More assertive? What about creativity, openness, authenticity, freedom, kindness...? Are they in full flow for the new year?

When we look at all we wish we could be to have a greater impact in our experiences and on the world, we probably should be asking, 'how do I become a stronger, more confident, more creative and loving being?"

Whatever the ideal image you want for yourself, hold on to it and never let it go. You will get there and reveal so much more on the way as you rediscover who you most authentically are at your core, inner being/spirit level. This is who you truly are.

Practicing going within, into the silent black space of nothingness is where your genius, your confidence, your creativity, your clarity, ooh...your freedom lies!


After attempting to learn mindfulness and various meditations over the last 5 years. I observed how much calmer I was becoming, but I was inconsistent with my meditations so lots of the changes were minimal and the big changes were short lived.

Last year I intentionally decided to meditate daily for at least 15 minutes every morning for the entire year. Why? because I had a health issue that was going to require surgical intervention on my heart if I did not find an alternative way to heal. I plugged in deeper to meditation! It was the best thing I have ever done.


Each year, at the end of the year I would sit in silence, reflecting on all the lessons of the year before and the growth I have been through. I then ask my inner being based on my plans for the future, how best can I stay aligned to my path? A word would come to guide my path. My word of focus for 2018 was 'transformation' and I truly have been transformed.

The biggest shifts :

  • The heart problem I had resolved naturally without medication or surgery

  • I have so much more clarity in my life that I had not experienced before

  • A hunger for adventure

  • A deeper love and compassion for life

  • Order in my personal surroundings

  • Recognizing the oneness of all things

  • Procrastination is no longer a thing

  • Regardless of what goes on, I remain calm and therefore make better decisions and have proactive responses to adversities.

  • I am always in a good mood.

  • I look and feel younger and brighter

On observing these profound changes in myself with using only short moment of time to connect back into the regeneration chamber daily, I got inspired to do it for longer and deeper. Now, I am so different in a sweet high vibing way.

There is no going back once you have been down this road of unfolding because here is where, freedom, joy, love, adventure and abundance live. Once we find them within, they are reflected in the outer world at us. The only way to get there is to start and be consistent.

Meditation: some powerful basics

Relax and surrender to your higher self and find your genius

  • Place and Posture:  This is vital, as the less distractions, the more likely for you to relax and enjoy the experience. Good posture is important too for the energy centers to be aligned to allow good flow of energy through you. So lovely straight spines please. Also I find once a comfortable space is found, closing the eyes really helps to put the mind and body in the right brain wave state for relaxing and getting deeper into your practice.

  • Time: You want to put aside enough time so you will not be rushed, as time does not exist in the world of your spirit and therefore they cannot coincide, thus again you wont want to be worried about the time. Relaxing and worrying are at two opposite ends of the spectrum, one lengthens time and one shortens it.

  • Breath: Energy flows through your breathing to stimulate light, newness and lightness within you. There are many different practices in breathing, but I wont go into them. Simply does it. Breathe long and deep. In through the nose and out through the mouth or in through the nose and out through the nose as the yogis do. Be sure to fill your lungs fully so the diaphragm pushes the belly down and out. Your shoulders should be relaxed at all times. Start with what is most comfortable for you. You can research further as you start to get deeper into it all.

  • Relax. Feel your body fill up with air, consciously following your breath. As you exhale, follow the breath all the way to the end and feel your body relax, let go of tension, let go of anything you are holding in your mind, throat, chest, arms, belly, pelvis, legs and feet. Work your way breathing through every part of your body and continue to let everything go and relax. Any noises, sounds, thoughts that come into your awareness, observe with no judgement and let it go and let your muscles loosen.

  • Linger:   Stay in this state of deep stillness and be in the blackness of nothingness, yet everything-ness of your spirit. This can be a little daunting if you have never done this before, but as you learn to relax into it, you will find a deeper level to yourself each time. It really depends on how much you want to and in the moment can manage to unfold. It will be difficult to stay in a state of lingering in this space if you are not practiced at this, but the more you do it, the better you'll get.

  • Awareness: Be aware of the vastness of your spirit and let go into it. Feel any sensations that come, offer no judgement only observe from this space of love and let it go.

  • Create: While you are here, Set your intentions for the day you want to have, see it, feel it and you will live it. Set your intention for the year just the same. If there are any part of your personality you wish to change, acknowledge it here, then replace it with the preferred version of you. See it, feel into it and this will bring a sense of contentment. Be grateful for this new you and continue to linger here for a few minutes.

  • Come back: Whenever I say to my daughter, "I am going to go meditate", she always replies, "Mommy, make sure you come back"! It makes me laugh each time, because she understands the awesomeness of my journey into the world of no-thing, no-place, no-one, no-body, just peace, love and pure connection to Source energy. Once you have spent the desired time in this space. Bring your awareness back to your fingers and toes and the rest of your body slowly.

  • Pay attention. It may have been a small change, but if you truly let go. You will feel different. More calm, peace and contentment throughout the day. In the repetition of this meditative exercise , you will begin your flow into the year in the path of least resistance, yet productive, focused and clear.

Silence is golden, is what they say. Yes it balances us from life on a hamster wheel and being on the go all the time. Take a little time out each day to tune in to your higher self and trust the process. Though there are no hard or fast rule about when to do this, I find the best time to do this practice is in the mornings to set myself up for the whole day.

The holidays were meant to be for some relaxation , reflection and projection. If you did not get the time to do this. Start here, start now. Retreat into the silence of the place where the mind is quietened and the body relaxes and the harmonious connections are therefore reunited to give the guidance you need for your best year eva!

Our best selves speak to us and fills us with the bright ideas of our genius in the quietness of the mind, the openness of our hearts and the trusting of our spirits. Here we have our connection to the divine whispers of our next steps.

Once in contact with your true self, you will find all the things you are willfully resolute to, your interests, your job, your path to success, will be inspired in you instead and you may even discover new yummy things along the way. For me the last few month I have been inspired to create my freedom from the nine to five hamster wheel, by learning how to run my own online business from scratch and generate passive income, from anywhere in the world, doing what I truly love to do. Whatever it is for you, there will be no distress in the experiencing of it. Just you and your dreams becoming reality!

New Years resolutions? May I just say "Whatever!!". These are made only to invoke the stress of broken promises which will leave you unfulfilled once again, wishing another year to begin where you can try and try and try again. They are made around a powerful subconscious mind programming that will not allow for change before first facing the person within, creating change from inside out. Listen now to the call and be inspired to live the life you love.

Finding this magic key to life is finding yourself and is the most productive way forward in the long term. Happy discovery of you in 2019!

Joint the escape here, love yourself and love your life enough to do this and create freedom the way that works from above-down and inside-out.

Thank you


Thinker, Entrepreneur, Eleutheromaniac and Freedom Finder.

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