Becoming Taliyah

Meet Thashna

The Beginning

I grew up in Jamaica, a beautiful island in the Caribbean. I was sent away by my mom at the young age of 3 or 4 to live with close relatives for financial reasons. Growing up, I lived in fear most of the time from what I remember. However, the outdoors by the beach and hills of the property I grew up on brought lots of solace, peace, protection and comfort so long I was by myself, away from the abusers.

As a teenager, I was often told I should ‘get my head out of the clouds’. I was warned that life was hard and I would have to work hard to survive. I learned that money didn’t grow on trees, people were not to be trusted and men were after only one thing. I learned if you wanted success you had to get good grades at school, go to university and get a good job. So going to university was where I set my sights for my best life.

I now live in the UK  and have done now over 25 years.  I moved to the UK after falling in love with an English man at the age of 20. After 10 years of marriage,  I had to break free from anything that would attempt to control and stifle the life from my purpose. I divorced and in so became a single parent with no family support. Despite the challenges, I completed 2 degrees during and after this period. My daughter is now 23 years old, beautiful and now finding her way in life.

How Can I Start Over?

I looked at my daughter just starting her adult life and often wondered, was it too late for me to start over? I have been a Doctor of Chiropractic for the last 18 years now. It sounds great on paper, and it has also been a wonderful privilege serving others.

However my body  started aching from the physical impact of the chiropractic technique I used daily when  creating relief for my patients. I, like most people sacrificed my time for money,  additionally I sacrificed my joints, my body and well-being also. Though the money had it’s purpose, it  never seemed enough and I started to feel it hardly worth it. I didn’t have any savings, I didn’t have a pension. Life was indeed playing out the way I was taught it would, hard.

I often felt caged in a room when every part of me wanted to fly and be outdoors seeing the world,  but, what were the options when this was the career path I chose and I have no financial mode of escape? “I gotta stick it out to the end as I have no other skills” was what I told myself as that was what I believed. I was broke and lived pay cheque to pay cheque and the credit card bills just looked impossible to conquer. 

I went from one failed relationship to the next, looking for a fairytale, only to find I didn’t trust men, so before they could hurt me, I would make a run for it. It was a pattern I was unaware of for many years. I had friends but I never felt any one person knew me deeply. They thought they did but they only knew what I was willing to show them and I was not showing the them the sad, insecure, terrified, person that hid deep down. Life was so challenging. I cried many days in secret, burying all the traumas and pain, then smiled joyful on the surface for the world to see. This was not my best life.

I became overwhelmed by constant  fear. We became homeless at one point and I could not hide the stress for long because my body started to reveal my secrets, I ended up with regular Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) which was a rapid beating of the heart with severe chest pains.

I had to be hospitalized up to 4 or 5 times a year when one of these SVTs occurred and only strong doses of medication  and sometimes chiropractic could correct the irregular heart beats. Surgery was the next suggested step, but everything in me said “absolutely not!”

I knew this heart condition was triggered by anxiety and stress. So, I made a decision to find another way to heal.  I needed to find another way to liberate myself from the  fear and resentments that lurked in the shadows of brokenness.

It was  a constant push to realize my hopes and dreams while being consumed by a state of turbulence and dissatisfaction. Something had to change!

Another Way

Some of the conditions I grew through as a child, left me, miserable, anxious, and aggressive. I did not like this version of me and was drawn to self development. I read and listened to many books. I watched movies such as The Secret and What the Bleep, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and so on, trying relentlessly to find my deeper purpose in the world for my life and become a grounded yet spiritual and an accepted and more loving human being.

I began asking the questions, where do I belong in the world and how do I get there from here? I eventually I made the profound link that my heart health, my relationships, the sadness and the lack of freedom in my life was due to the way I was thinking and feeling.

So many books were telling me this over the years, “come this way Thashna for your best life” but I was growing in other ways and did not truly believe that Love, contentment and freedom could truly happen for me until only a year ago. Whoa! believing, is such a big deal! Finally it all clicked and  like magic, I knew what to do. I rewired my beliefs.


I started doing deep meditations  with Dr Joe Dispenza, a fellow chiropractor that healed himself after a life-changing accident that broke his spine and would leave him paralyzed.  He was told he would not recover from these severe injuries without huge invasive surgery and even the surgery was not guaranteed to sort him out.

I totally admired his tenacity and drive to defy all medical advise as he listened to the wisdom of his body and completely healed his spine non-surgically. 

After 6 month of doing the meditations as he taught, not only have I not had another SVT since then but my mind was different. I had clarity, which was huge for me, and I was becoming more open to the possibilities of a fuller life. It was like someone turned the dimmer switch up in my life. With this new me, I wanted more and so explored further and meditated deeper and longer.

I watched tons of YouTube videos and read many more books on the science of creating the person I wanted to become and changing my mindset on life, happiness, money etc. With that my body also changed. I was transmuting into a happier, easy and relaxed me.

Finding My Silver Lining

I also asked myself, how can I get free and live a life of financial abundance and have the freedom I want to have a life of happiness and contentment, helping others to do the same? Days later, I came across a friend of mine from high school Tasha Chen on Facebook. She was running a free course on Money and Mindset and based on a book by Walace Wattles called ‘The Science of Getting Rich’. I joined the Money Manifesting Tribe and I decided to really focus on the training as I was determined to make the transformation. Get on Thashna I cheered, “You are on your way now to your best life!” “A fulfilled life, with peace of mind and freedom finally!”

Though the work was about money mindset, I was grateful it went deeper than about making money. It was about me and how I saw myself. I realized that I saw myself as undeserving, unworthy, unloveable and so that was the reflection in my life. The whole belief system that had created a life of struggle began to crumble at this awareness.

As I began to be more conscious of the changes in me and my language around who I was developed. With great perseverance on my part, my hunger for a different lifestyle stirred inside and was unrelenting. I had to do something different with my life to allow this new mindset to create my desires. My desires to travel, to work wherever I want to in the world and to be free from limitations, emotionally, physically and financially.

Careful where you put your intentions because a year later I was somehow guided to a course created by the brilliant Marisa Peer and a year on from that I was a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Rapid Transformational Therapist. I studied long and hard for my qualifications and loved every bit of it.

I have seen such a transformation in myself using RTT. Working as an RTT Therapists on people suffering with Anxiety, Depression, Loss of Confidence, Lack of Self Esteem e.t.c., I am blown away every day at this incredible life changing method of practice. I have finally found my way out from beyond the four walls. I do a job that is life changing yet sets me free to live my best life. I work with people where it all starts, between the ears, in the subconscious mind. My business is online so I can work globally too. I work the times I want to and I get to travel and do all the things I once only dreamed of doing.

Next Stop On The Freedom Train

This is my journey to my best life, I also supporting your journey to your best life. There is a fire that burns inside me to be free and while I climb to the mountain top of my best self, I want every move to be filled with Love. This is a challenge I Love being a part of and I welcome anyone who want to join me. It’s all in the mindset! I know how to help you change that.

I am also open to receiving guidance that resonate with my flow.   I see myself free to travel the world and travel back to my homeland as often as I wish, I see myself spending the time I want with my family and friends for as long as I wish.

I see myself having the freedom to create my life on my terms. I asked the question and here is the very thing I asked for.  The journey for me has only just began as I start to feel the chains of society’s regime and limiting childhood lessons begin to fall as I empower myself and others to do the same.

I want everyone in similar situations to know how to set themselves free as I have learned from others, for which I am grateful. I often think,” l wish I knew about this way of life sooner” but I was not ready for it sooner though. There is no time like the right time!  

Within my blogs (on the blog page) and ThashnaWalsh Lifestyle Therapy🌈 I have given you the secret to freedom on every level. It is a practice and only those who truly want lasting change will follow and evolve. If that is you…

Bow Falls, Banff, The Rockys, Canada.

Hi, I’m Thashna Walsh. Welcome to Freedom and Empowerment, the fast and easy way.   

Learn more about unblocking your mind and freeing yourself to the best version of you at Thashna Walsh Lifestyle Therapy. You know it’s inside you. Let me help you remove the blocks…

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Love and Gratitude Thashna


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