🛑 STOP ONE DARN MINUTE!! 🛑 Get off the Hamster Wheel!

Mikanos, Greece

Lost in Life and Running to Nowhere?

Get off the flipping hamster wheel! You are not a hamster, and it’s time to stop running in circles. Take a moment to check in with yourself: is this really the life you want? Let’s be honest with ourselves. Are you pretending that life is exactly how you want it to be, hoping that everything will magically fall into place? It’s time to face the music.

Which Cycle Are You Stuck In?

Let’s talk about those patterns we fall into—the habits that keep us stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction. I’m going to lay it all out, and I want you to reflect on whether any of these resonate with you.

🛑 Work a Little Harder

We often think that if we just work harder, everything will change. While effort is important, overworking can lead to burnout rather than breakthroughs. In fact, research published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology shows that excessive work hours can lead to chronic stress and health problems. So, instead of grinding it out, let’s focus on working smarter. Set clear goals that align with your passions and values.

🛑 Cry and Beg for Help

It’s okay to seek divine intervention or support from others, but relying solely on outside forces can leave you feeling powerless. You have the strength within you to change your life! A study published in Psychological Science indicates that those who take proactive steps in their lives—rather than waiting for help—experience better result and more success.

🛑 Worry a Little Deeper

Does anxiety take up too much space in your mind? Worrying can paralyze you, making it tough to take action. According to the American Psychological Association, chronic worry can lead to significant mental health issues, including anxiety disorders and depression. Instead of letting worry consume you, let’s explore mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness and meditation have been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity, helping you to reclaim your peace of mind. I recommend you reading and embracing the exercises from my book Annihilate Social Anxiety. I used the contents of this book to turn my own life around and put myself of the road to freedom after years of chronic anxiety and depression.

🛑 Drink a Bit More

Using substances like alcohol to cope may seem like a quick escape, but it often leads to more significant issues down the line. The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs emphasizes that addressing underlying emotional issues is crucial rather than masking them with substances. It’s time to face your emotions head-on and find healthier ways to cope.

🛑 Distract Yourself Again

Are you filling your time with distractions? Social media, binge-watching, or mindless activities might provide a temporary escape, but they keep you from addressing your reality. Instead of escaping, how about we dedicate time each day to reflect on your goals and desires? Imagine the progress you could make!

🛑 Scream at Somebody

When frustration builds, it’s easy to misplace that anger on others. Yelling doesn’t solve anything—it just creates more negativity in your life. Instead, own your feelings and communicate them constructively. According to a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, effective communication can strengthen relationships and promote healthier interactions.

🛑 Blame Everyone Else

Ah, the blame game. It’s so tempting to point fingers when things go wrong, but this approach only holds you back. Taking responsibility for your life is crucial for empowerment. A study in Personality and Social Psychology Review found that individuals who embrace accountability tend to experience greater life satisfaction. OMG, I total feel you on this one because I use to really believe it was everyone else that was causing my problems.

🛑 Harbour Envy

Comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to dim your light. It breeds negativity and can rob you of joy. Instead of feeling envious, celebrate others' successes! Gratitude has been shown to improve overall well-being. A study in the journal Emotion found that practicing gratitude can significantly increase happiness.

🛑 Hide in the Shadows

When you hide your true self, you miss out on growth opportunities. Step into the spotlight and embrace who you are! Brené Brown, a leading researcher on vulnerability, emphasizes that embracing our true selves is essential for building connections and experiencing joy. Don’t be afraid to shine!

🛑 Let Pride Dictate Your Choices

Pride can stop you from asking for help or admitting you’re struggling. Remember, vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. According to Brown, it’s through vulnerability that we build authentic connections, leading to deeper relationships and personal growth.

🛑 Give Up Before Trying

Limiting beliefs can be a significant roadblock. You might convince yourself that you’re not capable or that it’s not worth the effort. But guess what? You are capable of so much more than you think! A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals who adopt a growth mindset—believing that their abilities can be developed—tend to achieve greater success and resilience.

🛑 Judge What Makes You Uncomfortable

Criticizing others only reflects your own insecurities. Instead of judging, practice compassion. Supporting those around you creates a positive environment that encourages growth and community. Studies show that kindness and support lead to improved mental health and foster resilience.

This Was Me

This list reflects my own experience. I lived this way for years until I finally had an epiphany 20 years ago. I declared, “Enough is enough!” I chose to say goodbye to suffering and hello to FREEDOM.

A New Direction Awaits

Now, I invite you to consider what’s truly possible for you when you release what doesn’t serve you and align with what does. Stop settling! You were created for so much more than this.

When are you going to wake up and let someone who has walked this path show you how? It’s not about what everyone else is doing; it’s about what YOU are called to do. Your unique gifts and soul calling are what will bring you true freedom and success.

You don’t have time? Make time! All you have is time on this cosmic karmic loop. You make time for everyone else, but who is making time for YOU? Your life can’t grow if you don’t allow yourself the love and healing you need.

Show Up for Yourself

It breaks my heart to see and hear women moan, cry, and stress about what they don’t have while pretending to be what they are not. Living a limited life is always painful. I’ve been there, and I know the signs and the pain all too well. You can’t hide from it, and you deserve so much better.

So, show up for yourself. Bet on yourself. I guarantee you will win.

Let’s chat

P.S. If this post stirs any emotions for you, please reach out. You’re not alone in this journey.

For more resources and support, visit Grow 2 Glow

Only YOU have the power to change your story. Embrace the journey and allow yourself the freedom to shine. You are worthy of love, healing, and success. Take that first step today, and watch how life responds when you commit to your own transformation. The life you desire is waiting for you to claim it!


Another day in paradise 🏝