Welcome to the Glow-volution

One - stop transformation pathway for a life of clarity, evolution and ease


Ten week, potent, personalised, and in depth coaching package, including:

~ Ten 2 hour one to one weekly Zoom coaching sessions to address your issues and to learn powerful new techniques and tools for exponential growth in all areas of your life.

~ One of the 10 sessions is an RTT (hypnotherapy (optional)) session to fully root up limiting programs and beliefs, release, rewire, recondition and recode your mind to success. This Mega Powerful session is worth £450 alone!

~ Complete 80 page Workbook and Guide sent to you via post and as a PDF

~ Weekly practices and exercises to develop new and empowering habits with your coach and mentor.

~ Access to your coach and mentor via WhatsApp, FB group and email. You will be fully supported.

~ Access to Grow2Glow private Facebook group for magnifying your growth and wealthy manifestations.

Learn more in a detailed one hour session with your coach and Mentor Dr Thashna Walsh

The Curriculum

Part 1: IGNITE

Week 1: Mind Magic Madness: Unleashing the Power of Your Thoughts

Understanding the Total Transformation System (TTS) - Soul Alchemy

Personal Power: Identity.

How your mind works: thoughts, conscious mind, subconscious mind. 

Why your life is the way it is and how to CHANGE IT, make it Brilliant and Easy.

Tapping your superpower, create the reality you desire.

Mind laps: Focus and concentration.

Daily Actions.

Week 2: Vibes and Beliefs: Rocking Your World with Positive Energy

How your mind creates your reality: Beliefs, subconscious programs (body-mind), energy and vibrations.

Beliefs and Intentions: Clear and specific.

Busting limiting beliefs.

Create new beliefs.

Energy and Vibrations.

Cleaning, clearing, releasing, creating space, aligning and flowing, energy matching.

Raising and maintaining vibrations to attract your intentions.

Daily Actions.

Week 3: Rewire Your Brain, Rewrite Your Story: The Power of Transformation

Rewire subconscious programs using RTT ( Rapid Transformational Therapy): what is it, how it works?

2 hour RTT session. Let's reprogram those old scripts! What empowering beliefs do you want to install?

Bespoke RTT recording.

Daily Actions.

Part 2: GROW

Week 4: Clarity: Dreaming Big. Break Free: Overcoming Obstacles and Unleashing Your Potential

What do you want? Why do you want it? What's stopping you from getting it? What actions will you take to get the results? When will you start? When will you complete it? 

It's time to dream big! If you had unlimited resources; How to dream big and believe in your dreams.

Let's slay those dragons and conquer your fears! 

Inspired flow action, the key to receiving the results.

Visualization: Celebrate your victories for mega success.

Daily Actions.

Week 5: Zen Zone: Finding Inner Peace and Harmony: Drop Down and Meditate

Meditation training and practice: brain waves, align chakras, energize, grounding, allowing source in fully. 

Meditation Basics free mini-course

Aligning for success: How do you stay aligned and in flow.

Grounding: What keeps you connected to the manifestations of your dreams?

Energizing and Creating.

Ascending to a new Dimension.

Daily Actions.

Week 6: Mindset Makeover: Mastering Your Thoughts for Lifetime Success

Standing guard at the door of your mind.

Why you don't get what you want. How to get what you want. 

Thought Detective.

Neurocise for high vibrations?

Creative visualization confidence!

Daily actions.

Week 7: Healthy Habits, Happy Life: Harmonizing Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Health and well-being: (a). breathing, posture, food, sleep, thoughts, and how to use them properly

Breathe to thrive: Releasing old habits New habits implementing.

Food: Impact on your body, mind, and your success.

Foods to release or reduce to increase energy and vibrations and wealth attraction.

Exercise to increase vibrations and the law of attraction.

Gratitude: Belief integrated and implemented.

Daily Actions.

Week 8: Relationships: Embracing Self-Love and Abundance

Health and well-being (b). Self-love, Relationships, Acquiring abundance.

Self Love: How to create a vortex of Love and Wealth attraction.

Abundance: Wealth check, Wealthy self.

-What is the Source of this abundance?

- Let's manifest abundance - create an "I AM RICH" board!

Daily Actions.

Part 3: GLOW

Week 9: Mindful Embodying

Meditation/Implementation: Overcoming obstacles, Practicing awareness.

In Body Practices.

Every thought matters: Standing guard.

Gratitude Well.

Embodying Glow.


Glow Therapy - Develop Wealthy Goddess Consciousness.

Daily Actions.

Week 10: Glow Getters: Setting and Achieving Your Dreams and Legacy

Setting your 6 - 12 months intentions: creating routine, addressing subconscious pushback. Celebration.

Intention vs Goals.

Dream: Go Large!

Celebrate your progress.

Glow Therapy - Strengthen Wealthy Goddess Consciousness.

Daily Actions.

  • £9998 worth of coaching and training with

    This Spring and Summer you Pay:


    to completely transform your life.

    *There is a SURPRISE GIFT waiting for the woman that takes action and buys now!*

Find Out More

Interested to find out more, such as how this one to one coaching program is really going to give you what you need? Book a call and speak directly with your mentor Dr Thashna Walsh

Want a taster coaching session that will ignite your dreams and your potential before committing to the full 10 weeks? Go for the Ignite Fasttrack Booster Session.

Learn more.

We are Glow-rious