Manifesting Success: A Journey to Empowerment for Women Over 40

Hello Beautiful,

I see you. Yes, you—the woman who wakes up every morning already feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. You’re the backbone of your family, the dedicated professional, the community pillar. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your responsibilities, but still, life feels like an uphill battle. You might be over 40, carrying the weight of unfulfilled dreams and persistent stress, and you’re wondering why all your hard work isn’t translating into the success and peace you envisioned.

Let's dive deep into why you’re feeling this heaviness. As women, we often bear the brunt of societal expectations, family obligations, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. The constant juggling act can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our true selves. You might feel stuck, like you're on a treadmill, expending energy but not moving forward. This stress and sense of unfulfillment aren’t signs that you’re failing; they’re signals that it’s time for a change—a shift in perspective, approach, and mindset.

You don’t have to live like this. You deserve a life of freedom, joy, and success. The journey to manifesting this reality isn’t about working harder; it’s about working smarter and tuning into the power within you. By practising specific tools and techniques, you can transform your life from one of stress and overwhelm to one of fulfilment and achievement.

I want to invite you on a journey—one that’s about stepping into your power with ease, grace, and joy. This isn’t about adding more to your plate; it’s about letting go of some of the redundant programs that are keeping you stuck and shifting your perspective and harnessing the incredible power already within you. Let’s transform stress into strength and overwhelm into a sense of purpose, freedom and fulfilment. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

The Power of Mindset

First things first, let’s talk about your mindset. Our thoughts shape our reality, and if you’re constantly feeling defeated, it’s time to rewire those thoughts. Start with this: “I am pretty awesome.” Repeat it until you believe it. You’ve achieved so much, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Celebrate your growth and evolutionary journey, not only the destination.

Visualizing Your Success

Visualization is a powerful tool. Take a moment each day to imagine your ideal life. Close your eyes and see yourself thriving in your business, feeling fulfilled in your personal life, and radiating joy. Picture the details: What does your day look like? How do you feel? Visualization isn’t just daydreaming; it’s about creating a clear and specific mental image of what you want to experience in your life.

Setting Intentions, Not Just Goals

Goals are important, but intentions are the fuel that gets you there. An intention goes deeper than a goal, it assumes that the goal is already done/achieved energetically; it’s about the feeling behind the achievement. Now, regularly journalling, reading, and visualising this intention will put you on the same frequency, which will allow the opportunities to manifest, giving you the desires of your heart. Set daily intentions that align with how you want to feel. For example, if you want to feel more connected, your intention might be to spend quality time with loved ones or to network with like-minded women.

Embrace Self-Care as a Necessity

Ladies, self-care is non-negotiable. You cannot pour from an empty cup. This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours at the spa (though if that’s your thing, go for it!). Self-care can be simple: a quiet cup of tea in the morning, a short walk in nature, or even five minutes of deep breathing. When you prioritize your well-being, you’re not being selfish; you’re ensuring you have the energy to give your best in all areas of your life. What will you incorporate into your daily routine to care for yourself?

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Look around you. Are the people in your life supportive and uplifting? It’s crucial to have a strong support network. Seek out friendships and professional relationships that energize you, not drain you. With your vibes high, life happens for you. Low vibes drain your batteries and life gets hard and stressful. Join communities of like-minded women who are also on a journey of empowerment. There is immense power in collective positivity.

Let Go of Perfection

Perfection is an illusion, and striving for it only leads to burnout. Instead, aim for progress. Celebrate the small wins and learn from the setbacks. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a step towards your bigger vision. Remember, success isn’t a straight line; it’s a journey filled with twists, turns, and valuable lessons. There are lessons in every failure and these lessons are the breadcrumbs to powerful success.

Trust the Process

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things don’t go as planned. Trust that the universe has a plan for you. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth. When you encounter obstacles, ask yourself, “What is this teaching me, or what else could this mean?” Embrace the lessons and keep moving forward with faith and determination.

Take Action with Confidence

Manifesting isn’t just about thinking positively; it’s about taking inspired action. Break your big intention into manageable steps and easily work through them one at a time. Take bold and intentional actions with confidence, knowing that every time you open up to being more of yourself, you bring yourself closer to your dreams. Even if you stumble, get back up with the knowledge that each step, including the stumble, is part of your journey.

Reflect and Recalibrate

Finally, take time to reflect on your journey regularly. What’s working? What’s not? Be honest with yourself and make adjustments as needed. Reflection helps you stay aligned with your intentions and ensures that you’re not just moving, but moving in the right direction.

Conclusion: Your Time is Now

So, beautiful, your time is now. You have the power to manifest the success you desire and deserve. Embrace the journey with an open heart and a high vibe and focused mindset. Remember, you are more than enough, and you deserve the very best. Step into your power with ease and grace, and watch as your life transforms into a fulfilling and joyous adventure.

And if you’re ready to take this transformation to the next level, I invite you to an ignition call with me, Dr Thashna. Let’s discuss how I mentor, teach, and coach you to achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of. Together, we’ll turn your stress into strength and your overwhelm into empowerment. It's time to break free, the world needs your brilliance.

With love and light,



Calling The Called


Reprogram For a Better Life